A new start
The commitment to mission promotion through the mass media which for us, Comboni Missionaries, is part and parcel of our identity allowed me to embrace my new mission.
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August 2016
The commitment to mission promotion through the mass media which for us, Comboni Missionaries, is part and parcel of our identity allowed me to embrace my new mission.
The persisting humanitarian crisis of the Rohingya minority in Myanmar has been a global concern after two bouts of organized mass violence against them in 2012. But the Rohingyas’ persecution has been going on for nearly four decades.
For over two decades, the indigenous people (IP) of Mindanao, Philippines, have been fighting for the salvation of their ancestral lands. For the past five-and-a-half years, 70 IPs have died. Rich in natural resources, there’s no question why many local and international mining and logging companies want to operate in these areas.
Basha Miao Village lies on the southern border of Southwest China’s Guizhou Province. The Miao villagers have maintained the characteristic lifestyle of the Miao ethnic group, still retaining ancient living customs and dressing codes.
The Philippines has a new president, Rodrigo Duterte. Many people have taken his promises seriously and they will be expecting results. We have to help him succeed in fighting corruption and criminality within the law. The killing of suspects is not the way. That will bring down international condemnation and shame and the Philippines will be the pariah of the civilized world. The Secretary General of the United Nations has already spoken against Philippine death squads killing journalists already. If the vigilantes have their way, the presidency will be gravely affected and branded as a killer regime and violator of human rights.
Melbourne-based street artist Kaff-eine found her way to the charcoal-making community in Baseco and the dumpsite in Happyland, Manila, where she collaborated with residents and created artworks using charcoals they make for a living.
This is the dramatic story by the surviving Sister on the assault to the nursing home for the elderly and the disabled. Four sisters were killed along with their employees because of their fidelity to their mission.
The first and only democracy of China is Taiwan. But it must resist the pressures of Beijing. An uphill task for the new president, the brave, self-made woman Tsai Ing-wen.
Fr. Daniel Berrigan (1921-2016), who has lately passed away, undoubtedly stands among the most influential American Jesuits of recent times. Priest, poet, retreat master, teacher, he however, is best known for his dramatic acts of civil disobedience against the Vietnam War and nuclear weapons.
Saul of Tarsus, “the 13th apostle” Paul, the great herald of the Gospel, the greatest missionary of all times. Someone calculated that Paul covered 20,000 kms. over land and by sea. But his greatness isn’t so much because of the distances covered as the extraordinary nature of his vocation and his work as an apostle.
October 2023 Issue
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