How to Accompany Young Catholics
Young people today seek direction for their lives. They are hungry and thirsty for the Word of God explained to them in an accessible and meaningful manner.
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October 2018
Young people today seek direction for their lives. They are hungry and thirsty for the Word of God explained to them in an accessible and meaningful manner.
Millennials make up 30% of the total population in the Philippines and by 2020 will constitute 50% of the work force. But who are these millennials and what kind of creatures are they? A long-time educator, Fr. Chito attempts a characterization of the “generation of digital natives.”
This October marks the XV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops with the theme: “Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment.” Together with the Pope, our bishops will share experiences, reflect on and recommend pastoral solutions in ministering to the youth. Here is a sample of young people’s expectations regarding the Synod.
One of the themes of the Synod on the Youth is vocational discernment. What is it, what are the prerequisites and its most basic steps? Experienced retreat director, author and professor at the Ateneo University in Manila, Fr. Ramon guides us with insight and lucidity through the “art of choosing well.”
Former apostolic nuncio to Washington, Carlo Viganò, accused Pope Francis of knowing about the sexual abuses committed by Cardinal McCarrick and not acting on the issue. Shay Cullen contends that Viganò’s allegations are part of the conservatives’ strategy to oppose the reforms of Francis.
In the “Land of the Morning Calm,” a devotee of Our Lady of Fatima ordered his presidential residence to be blessed on May 13, shortly after his election. He then asked for the advice of the Pope. He believes that the Christian view of a “just peace” can prevent a “nuclear Armageddon.”
Pastora Mira Garcia is best-known in Colombia for her example of forgiveness in the face of hatred and violence. In September 2017, when Pope Francis visited the country, Pastora was chosen to narrate her commitment to “love one another.” Here is her story.
According to several studies of sociologists and political scientists, many years from now, the economic and technical unification of humanity will be a well established reality. What is the contribution Christians can lend to the world so as to make it a better place?
Gifted with extraordinary intelligence, clarity of expression and deep spirituality, Cardinal Suenens (1904-1996) played a pivotal part during Vatican II, aiming at the reform of the Church. Later he became the chaplain of the World Charismatic Renewal Movement. He said: “I used to be concerned with the motor of the car, now I am concerned with the fuel, the Holy Spirit’s energy”.
Faced with the possibility of giving birth to babies with abnormalities, doctors suggested abortion to the young mothers. The witness of an experienced mum turned the argument upside down. In spite of concerns, these fetuses are God’s gifts whom He loves and therefore, have the right to life.
The path of vocational discernment is challenging, made up of doubts, encounters and demands, because vocation is an experience of love and love is demanding.
October is the month of the Holy Rosary. It It is a meditative prayer on the life of Jesus through the eyes of His Mother. Catholics are encouraged to pray it daily.
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