Holiness: A Path for All

March 2019

In This Issue


Lessons in Mutual Tolerance

The historic three-day trip of Pope Francis to the United Arab Emirates sent a stark lesson to the whole world that there is no such “clash of civilizations” between Christianity and Islam.

WM Special

Journeying into Holiness Today

Pope Francis, through his 2018 apostolic exhortation Rejoice and Be Glad (Gaudete et Exsultate) [GE], has sparked a renewed interest in holiness. This inviting document bears the subtitle: “On the Call to Holiness in Today’s World,” and it echoes the identical invitation found in Vatican II’s Lumen Gentium (#39-42): “The Universal Call to Holiness in the Church.”

WM Special

Never Too Young To Be Holy

In the Year of the Youth, we hear how some young people endeavor to live the ideal of holiness. Even though beset by numerous challenges, the youth can aspire to be holy by relying on God’s grace and looking at the lives of the saints.

WM Special

Holiness Leads to Mission

We often think of holiness as something that is only available to some who, by their vocation, are “predestined” to a path of holiness. On the contrary, holiness is a free gift to all. In this way, it becomes the mission and responsibility of each one.

Young Heart

Summer Fun

Some of our young readers in the Philippines are looking forward to vacation time, while others will still be having their classes but are gearing up for the summer heat here as well. Here are a few suggestions on how best to make use of the summer months.

Care of the Earth

Ecological Conversion is Needed

Respect for the environment should take center stage this year to change ideas about the proper use of the Earth’s resources.

Filipino Focus

“Interreligious Dialogue is the Way to Peace”

Zamboanga, a city of one million inhabitants with a substantial Muslim population, is home to the Silsilah Dialogue Movement founded by Fr. Sebastiano D’Ambra with the aim of promoting peace and dialogue between Christians, Muslims and faithful of other religions.


Children Victims of a Globalized Economy

Children are the worst affected by the growing inequality in the Philippines. They are the first victims of an economy dominated by a tiny rich elite that owns as much as 70 percent of the national wealth.


I Believe in Heaven

One of the stunning messages contained in the Beatitudes is that faith transforms our darkest inner moments into light. Jesus Christ has the power to convert the desert of human hearts into blossoming gardens with varied vegetation.

Winds of the Spirit

The Pattern of Nazareth

The call to evangelize marks the commitment of many Christian couples who have joined in a now worldwide movement. Born of the Charismatic Renewal, Couples for Christ mean to draw from the example of the Holy Family and make the devotion to Christ’s mission a widespread reality in the family.

Follow Me

A Shared Journey

Vocation, as a gift of God, seems like a path that we go through with joy, enthusiasm and sharing life with someone who helps us in this process of discernment, fulfillment and happiness.


Religions in China are Persecuted

In a recently held conference at the European Parliament in Brussels on the theme “Religious Freedom in China” participants spoke and shared their witnesses on the continuous persecution of all religions in the world’s most populous country.

Strategies for Evangelization

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