Mission Of Compassion
World Mission Sunday is an opportunity to remember all those who have left their homes and families behind to bring the Gospel to peoples and places awaiting the message of salvation.
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October 2021
World Mission Sunday is an opportunity to remember all those who have left their homes and families behind to bring the Gospel to peoples and places awaiting the message of salvation.
The Coronavirus pandemic, as a blow, hits all of us in the same manner without distinction. In doing so, it has brought us a new awakening that Humanity is one. Thus every blow can become a blessing if only we know how to give a positive response.
During the strict lockdown of March 2020, young parishioners of St. Benedict the African Parish in Chicago gave assistance to the parish in broadcasting its liturgy and other weekly activities on Zoom. This new way of reaching out to the people is vital for the future of the Church.
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected people and institutions, including the Church. Parishes that are not so financially viable, especially in far-flung areas, are grappling with a volatile scenario. In this write-up, World Mission focuses on how the pandemic has affected churches and the challenges they face in carrying out their pastoral works.
The evidence of climate change is more visible than ever as global heating affects each and every region of our planet. The only way to stop other ecological disasters from buffeting our planet is to quickly switch to clean and renewable energy.
This pandemic has particularly been challenging for our senior citizens. They have been vulnerable to COVID-19 and are suffering the effects of the lockdown restrictions. And yet, society owes them respect, protection, and care. In these perplexing times, families and governments should do the utmost to safeguard and nurture our elderly people.
The Comboni Missionaries heeded the appeal of the Church to come to Asia, the least evangelized continent. They are working in Missionary Animation, Vocation Promotion, and Basic Formation in the Philippines and Vietnam, while in Macau and Taiwan, they focus on First Evangelization.
Human trafficking–this modern slavery is a crime against human rights. Millions of young men and women every year fall victim to this modern slavery. To put an end to this crime, the victims must be healed and empowered while the criminals should be convicted and jailed.
Philippine history was made richer with the unprecedented visit of Pope Paul VI on November 27-29, 1970 as part of his lengthy Asian journey. This event became the first of four papal visits: Paul VI (1970); John Paul II (1981 and 1995), and Francis (2015).
Having been forgiven by God, we are called to forgive others who have hurt us. If we do not forgive, we close ourselves to God’s outpouring of His mercy upon us. It is as if we do not allow God to forgive us.
In the 19th century, violent rebellions against the colonial government involving Church personnel broke out. They were motivated not by insubordination but by strong, legitimate demand for equal treatment.
Vocation is a gift that is discerned and realized little by little, relying on someone’s help in the journey of self-discovery, in the options, and in the commitment to love and be a generator of life in favor of humanity.
Mexican Comboni Fr. Manuel Casillas, who is now working in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, served for six years in the General Administration of the Comboni Missionaries in Rome some years ago.
October 2023 Issue
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