Averting the “World War of Bread”
This worsening catastrophic situation is tormenting Pope Francis who begged for “every effort to be made to guarantee the universal right to food.” “Please do not use wheat as a weapon of war!” he appealed.
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July 2022
This worsening catastrophic situation is tormenting Pope Francis who begged for “every effort to be made to guarantee the universal right to food.” “Please do not use wheat as a weapon of war!” he appealed.
By interrupting the supply chain of grain and fertilizers for agriculture, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is creating a global food crisis that will affect hundreds of millions of people, especially in the poorest countries. An explosion of social conflict is feared.
At least 50 countries depend on wheat produced by Ukraine and Russia to feed their populations. Most of them are in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, where there are even more inhabitants and even less water and arable land.
With Ukraine’s shipping ports closed due to its deadly war with Russia, millions of people who are dependent on the imports of food from the Eastern European country are on the verge of starvation.
The Uniteam of Bongbong and Sara won the recent elections in the Philippines despite the support that the rival camp Leni-Kiko received from religious and clergy personalities. One of the reasons why the Leni-Kiko tandem lost is that their messaging did not seem to resonate effectively to millions of Filipinos.
The war in Ukraine has put Orthodox Christianity and inter-Orthodox relations in the spotlight. But what exactly is Eastern Christianity? Where does it come from, and what are its virtues and drawbacks?
50 years after Ferdinand Marcos Sr. made himself a dictator by declaring Martial Law, his only son was formally inaugurated as the 17th President of the Philippines, after 31 million-plus Filipinos gave Marcos Jr. the strongest electoral mandate any president could dream of.
Older people are making invaluable contributions to their community, family, and parish. The Church values the elderly’s apostolate and provides them with pastoral care and support.
Jesus brought a revolution aimed at changing the hearts of people. This revolution is based on the evangelical principle of generosity and sharing which Pope Francis developed in the second chapter of his encyclical letter Fratelli Tutti.
Discernment aims at giving a direction to the journey of the soul searching for God’s will. The doctrine of the discernment of spirits is a precious legacy of Ignatian spirituality.
The discernment process will always go through a relationship with people who have already gone through the same thing as us, and who live the same dream.
In the beautiful city of Malaga, Spain, various missionary institutes gathered for a week of missionary animation: White Fathers (Missionaries of Africa), Spiritans, Combonis, and the Mercedarian Sisters of Berriz. They visited schools, parishes, youth groups, and sodalities.
October 2023 Issue
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