The Anguished Cry of Creation
The anguished cries of the poor, of the indigenous peoples and of children should prompt humanity to repent and modify lifestyles and destructive systems, says Pope Francis.
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September 2022
The anguished cries of the poor, of the indigenous peoples and of children should prompt humanity to repent and modify lifestyles and destructive systems, says Pope Francis.
Catholics have long prayed for and taken action against the climate crisis and encouraged others to join them as they worked to care for God’s creation. Care about climate change is at the core of what it means to be Catholic.
Bishops have been at the forefront in attempting to address environmental issues plaguing the Philippines and the planet.
In response to Pope Francis’ call on “Care for our Common Home” and aligning with Sustainable Development Goals, the SVD congregation in the Philippines Central Province is planting 100,000 seedlings of bamboo. We are looking forward to setting an ambitious goal for planting one billion bamboos by 2030, collaborating with the local churches of parishes and dioceses in the Philippines.
In his long-serving ministry, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew has unreservedly committed himself to the protection of the environment and the cause of peace, justice, and unity among all peoples, ceaselessly calling for effective solutions to the climate emergency.
A looming question is how could we make quality education more accessible to all, particularly to the impoverished? The government needs to make fast internet available to different parts of the country. It must also provide our teachers with better salaries.
This year, the World Day of Migrants and Refugees will be celebrated on 26 September. The number of people forced to leave their countries and homes is the highest ever. The trend can only be reversed by concerted efforts to resolve poverty, climate change, COVID-19, and armed conflicts.
Bishops from East Timor and Mongolia recently joined the College of Cardinals while some more obvious candidates continue to be left out. The Pope’s nominations speak of his vision for the Church.
China is exploiting children in the Democratic Republic of Congo, forcing them to work under hazardous conditions to mine the cobalt that powers electronic devices and electric cars.
Unless safe, legal migration routes are created, traffickers will continue to do what they want, and tragedies like the one in Chiapas, Mexico, will happen again, especially in developing and war-torn regions. As the number of migrants is increasing, these routes are becoming more necessary.
In the third chapter of Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis invites all Christians and all people of goodwill to open their minds and hearts to God and, as a consequence, to love all brothers and sisters throughout the world.
The second week of the Spiritual Exercises brings the typical Ignatian meditations: The Call of the King, the Two Standards, and the Three Types of Persons. They are stepping stones for the soul to face the planning of the future in God’s sight.
Each one of us has received the gift of a specific vocation from God. However, our vocation depends on our choice to seek out and persevere on the path of discernment and vocational experience.
October 2023 Issue
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