A Humble Worker in the Lord’s Vineyard
He presented himself to the world, after his election as Pope, as a “simple and humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord.” He combined intellectual brilliance with humility, vigilance and constant prayer.
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February 2023
He presented himself to the world, after his election as Pope, as a “simple and humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord.” He combined intellectual brilliance with humility, vigilance and constant prayer.
How inflation will evolve will be one of the topics to follow in 2023. With or without a recession, economic growth will slow down. The war in Ukraine and other wars around the world will be influential in the economy of 2023. And the ethical appraisal of economic regimes will continue in the public debate.
To overcome inequality of income and wealth in the Philippines, a recent report from the World Bank recommends healing the pandemic’s scars and building resilience; inclusive recovery, and the reduction of inequality of opportunity.
Policies that support employment and workers, raise education quality and improve access, boost rural development, and strengthen social protection can reduce inequality, thus enhancing the Filipino people’s chances for improving their well-being.
Young economists and Pope Francis signed a pact to improve the global economy to better the lives of all people as a result of The Economy of Francesco event in Assisi. Topping the list of priorities is “an economy of peace and not war.”
There is hope that women and children victims of violence and sexual abuse can change their world by fighting back for justice. The #MeToo movement gave a greater chance for women and children to fight back by bringing their abusers to justice.
In this month’s column, Fr. Jerry shares with our readers stories of missionaries in various parts of the world who accomplished their mission here on earth in an unassuming, caring and generous manner.
The general diagnosis points to men who have sex with men (MSM) as the principal culprit in the HIV epidemic in the young key populations. Christianity insists that abstinence is known to be the only fail-safe, reliable, foolproof, and guaranteed method to this problem.
Lumen Fidei (LF), The Light of Faith, is Pope Francis’ first encyclical. Francis admits that Pope Benedict XVI “had almost completed the first draft of an encyclical on faith” and for this initial work “I am deeply grateful to him.” Here we have a unique treasure: profound reflections on faith from two popes!
Corruption has dramatically increased in our world today. No one would claim to be totally innocent because corruption is not only about the wrong use of money; it is also about the wrong use of power. We must all join hands to wipe out this evil from our society.
The first step in the existence of the New Testament is the experience of Jesus by the Apostles. The proclamation follows according to Jesus’ command. In the end comes the writing. This is the pattern of the tradition which starts with Moses.
Faced with the challenges of vocational discernment, it is necessary to go out to others and to open the doors so that our life can be authentically fulfilled and bear fruit for the good of all.
Fr. Jorge arrived at Waterval Mission, Mpumalanga in South Africa at a mature age. In his first years in the mission, he made a great effort to learn the Northern Sotho language of Sepedi and he reached a certain level of proficiency, which allowed him to celebrate Mass and even to preach in Sepedi.
October 2023 Issue
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