Fatima Sign of Hope

June 2017

In This Issue


The prophetic message

A hundred years after, Fatima continues to be relevant and a focus of spiritual renewal of the Church and the world, now more than ever, with the exemplary lives of two humble and saintly children who are set as models worth emulating.

WM Special

A call to penance and peace

The “Secret of Fatima”, entrusted to Sr. Lucia during Our Lady’s apparitions in 1917, includes an appeal to repentance and the promise of the end of World War I. The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the end of Communist regimes in Eastern Europe are seen as the fulfillment of that pledge.

WM Special

Pilgrimage and the search for God

The most important dimension of the message of Fatima is the idea of conversion, translated or materialized through pilgrimage. The sanctuary continues to attract millions of people – more than five million pilgrims each year – who search for the meaning of life and seek to meet God.

WM Special

The three little shepherds

Jacinta and Francisco, two of the three little shepherds who witnessed the Virgin Mary’s apparitions in Fatima in 1917, are the first children non-martyrs to be canonized in the history of the Church. The promoter of their sainthood traces the spiritual profile of each of the three children.


The Chinese Church: Progress and work yet to be done

Today, some estimate there are over 100 million Christians in China, many of whom are influencing areas of society from small villages to sprawling urban centers. Yet, despite this incredible development there remains much work to be done within the Chinese church.

Filipino Focus

Priests solve murders

The new movie Smaller and Smaller Circles, based on the award-winning novel, highlights the fictional investigative prowess of two Jesuit priests who solved a series of murders in a slum neighborhood in the capital of the Philippines.


Walking in the footsteps of migrants

Recently, I was given a unique opportunity to taste some of the bitter hardships endured by fellow human beings fleeing drug-gang violence, oppressive poverty and economic injustice south of the U.S. border.

In Focus

A nation descending into chaos

Feats of violence and blood are tainting the province of Kasai which has sided openly against the re-election of outgoing President Kabila. Church buildings, including the Bishop’s House and the seminary, were attacked. The Pope made an appeal, exhorting all to pray for peace in the African country.

Special Moments

A wake-up call to the world

Pope Francis visited the tiny island of Lampedusa in 2013 to honor the immigrants who died at sea. The Pontiff’s visit made headlines around the world for bringing up the issue of immigration in a completely different light: from viewing immigration as a problem to understanding the plight of the immigrants.

Follow Me

The Beloved Son

In the encounter on the mountain, Jesus reveals Himself and manifests His identity as the Son of God. In each encounter, He reveals Himself and is transfigured so that we may experience His glory and our life, as disciples, may be transformed by faith and faithful following.

Life's Essentials

Stay healthy

Physical wholeness, as we all know, is about the food we eat, the number of glasses of water we drink in a day, proper exercise, etc. Our body should also have the mental wholeness to manage our stress and the ability to process problems and dilemmas and to deal with life’s challenges.

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