The Church Must Always Be Reformed
Nine years in the making by a Council of Cardinals headed by Pope Francis, the new Constitution places evangelization at the heart of the Church’s mission and her central structures of government.
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June 2022
Nine years in the making by a Council of Cardinals headed by Pope Francis, the new Constitution places evangelization at the heart of the Church’s mission and her central structures of government.
The wealth of the world’s ten richest men has doubled since the pandemic began whereas the incomes of 99% of humanity are worse off because of COVID-19. Widening economic, gender, and racial inequalities are the root causes.
Few people have been enriched at the expense of the many who pay income tax. This reveals a particularly un-Christian manner of engaging in economic activity. Christian Tradition offers an authentic Christian outlook on economics.
John’s eloquent and uncompromising preaching earned him the name Chrysostom–“golden mouth.” He supported the side of justice during periods of uprising, believed in solidarity with the poor, and denounced the ostentatious display of wealth.
Our world is awash with both conventional and nuclear weapons. It is one of the largest businesses in the planet. Let us urge our national and international leaders to work toward building a world without weapons by significantly cutting weapons funding.
Fake news has become easily accessible to undiscerning viewers. Malicious content creators have been using social media to twist facts and spread lies. Thus, authentic conversations on social media could happen only if all parties involved would work for the common good.
Taiwan has shown how society can benefit when ethnic and religious diversities are acknowledged and human rights are upheld.
Father’s Day is not only an occasion but a call to celebrate life’s vocation. To become a father is a huge responsibility. God has blessed men with this calling of fatherhood by entrusting the lives of their children to them.
Today, as in the time of Jesus of Nazareth, political power structures dominate peoples so as to further their status and increase their wealth. Only lifestyle changes, political consciousness, and civic activism can give hope for a better world.
Universal fraternity and social friendship is delayed because of the throwaway culture, the inequality in the practice of human rights, and the globalization and progress without a shared roadmap. It is only by promoting communion, cooperation, equality, and social inclusion that we would have a better world for all.
The fruit of the first week of the Spiritual Exercises is named by Ignatius as Indifference. The meaning is not lack of interest but inner spiritual freedom.
Vocation is always a gift for us and for others, a blessing that makes us walk in the construction of a more inclusive and fraternal world.
A few years ago, two Comboni Missionaries, Fr. Joseph and Fr. Stefano, went to Damascus to study Arabic before going to work in Sudan. After leaving their luggage at the Armenian Patriarchate, they decided to take a stroll through the neighborhood.
October 2023 Issue
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