Synodality as the DNA of the Church
The synodal way is the DNA of the Church, and therefore, ought to be her distinctive feature of being and acting.
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March 2022
The synodal way is the DNA of the Church, and therefore, ought to be her distinctive feature of being and acting.
Pope Francis inaugurated the Synod in October last year. Dioceses around the world followed suit. It is a new experience because this Synod is held in a “way new,” as it is intended to be carried out at the local and continental levels and, finally, in the assembly of bishops.
The Latin American Church is treading the path of synodality. Gathered from all corners of the continent in an ecclesial assembly, the entire People of God participated fully thus ensuring the synodal way of the Church.
Christina Kheng, a laywoman from Singapore, teaches pastoral leadership at the East Asian Pastoral Institute in Manila. Her dream is for Asia’s Church to be more missionary, less frightened, and share responsibility for the journey with the laity.
It is not out of malice or ideology that the poor vote as they do. They are simply deprived of the right information. If voters have access to correct information, they will vote differently. As the Bible says, “the truth shall set you free!”
Parish conversations entail openness to conversion and change. Hence, it is important that our liturgical celebrations, particularly the Holy Eucharist, be translated into concrete reflections of God’s healing presence in our day-to-daylives.
The situation in Myanmar is deteriorating day by day. The Burmese Sisters of Reparation, present in the country serving the local populations in the most remote villages, witness the daily suffering and give voice to the tragedy of their people.
A stay-at-home mother pursues her dream of joining a noontime contest Reina ng Tahanan. She shares how she has overcome the virus and continues to raise faith-driven kids.
The policy could help ease poverty in Asia where about 60 percent of people do not fall under any form of social protection
In the first chapter of the Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis speaks of shattered dreams which are spreading everywhere in the world. To these shattered dreams, the Pope expressed indignation and suggested universal fraternity and social friendship as ways to build a better and just world.
The universal salvation history as it emerges from the Bible is fulfilled in each person’s discovery of God’s personal love expressed in his Law. This is Ignatius’ Principle and Foundation which makes us heed the Call of the King.
The path of vocation is a path of liberation and discernment of one’s own personal freedom.
Many years ago, the community of missionaries was experiencing repeated small robberies on their property. One night, two blankets were gone; on another occasion, the ladder; next, even a few frozen chicken and some beers were stolen from the pantry.
October 2023 Issue
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