Ideas for a Covid-19 Aftermath
The only way to conquer the coronavirus is through “the antibodies of solidarity”. We better act together and start working as one people to have a real impact against the current scourge.
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June 2020
The only way to conquer the coronavirus is through “the antibodies of solidarity”. We better act together and start working as one people to have a real impact against the current scourge.
Some commentators have sought to draw parallels between the refugees and migrants’ plight and that of the Holy Family–Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Were Jesus, Mary and Joseph what we would consider today’s “refugees”? Yes.
Under a European Union relocation program, Portugal hosted families fleeing persecution and war, the majority of whom were from Syria. Here are the diverse stories of four refugee families seeking asylum and protection who were welcomed by a religious congregation.
Thousands of families and young women and men from Central America are compelled to leave their homes and risk their lives undertaking dangerous journeys, only to search for a safe place to live. But ultimately, they are deported back to face the same conditions they fled from.
In Biblical times, there were plagues. In trying times like these, with the rampant crisis of the coronavirus disease, also known as Covid-19, we are left with no recourse but to bond together in prayers and find solutions to stop spreading it further.
With thousands of people falling sick and dying of the infectious disease, believers raise questions about God’s presence in the midst of the pandemic. Fr. James Martin offers some advice to help sail through the storm.
A Comboni Missionary living in the US, Father Joseph Bragotti, worked in San Luis Petén mission in Guatemala. He went back for a visit and took a pilgrimage to Tikal, the ruins of an ancient city, in a rainforest in Guatemala.
Our communion with God is not only through prayer or through His Word. We are in communion with God when we put our love of neighbor into practice.
The third commandment of God, “Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy,” invites us to rest and to spend time with the Lord. This commandment is meant to imitate God Who rested after His work of creation and to be in communion with Him.
This is the traditional attire Fr. Oreste Benzi, founder of the John XXIII Community, left behind. With it was the most daring commitment to the disenfranchised of society that he has left to his followers all over the world.
Christ lives and walks beside us. He wants us to be truly happy and fulfilled. Our vocation is, precisely, a concrete sign that the living Christ wants us alive.
The outbreak of the deadly virus Covid-19 has affected the whole world and each government is struggling to find its own methods of containing the virus while trying to learn from the experiences of other countries.
October 2023 Issue
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