Author: Fr. Antonio Carlos


The Youth with Mother Mary

The Marian icon Salus Popoli Romani will be a sign of Mary’s maternal presence beside the young people. The youth know that they have a Mother who looks after them, who loves them, who cares for them.


Women Can Vote in the Synod

Pope Francis’ move will compel dioceses and parishes to widen the participation of lay people, particularly women. The universal Church msut welcome the active participation of women.


A Prayer for Sudan

With the streets taken over by soldiers fighting each other viciously, there is little the civilians can do other than pray. And prayer is just what the Holy Father is asking for Sudan.


The Easter Hope of a New Humanity

The Easter event is all about faith in the possibility of a new man and woman re-created in the image of the risen Christ.


From Ash Wednesday to Easter

Lent is more than a time for doing some charitable works, some penance, or mortification. Above all, it is a time to rediscover the truth of who we really are.


A Humble Worker in the Lord’s Vineyard

He presented himself to the world, after his election as Pope, as a “simple and humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord.” He combined intellectual brilliance with humility, vigilance and constant prayer.


Shalom To Everyone!

As Pope Francis says, using weapons to solve conflicts is a sign of weakness and fragility. Instead, negotiating, mediating, and building peace requires courage. May men and women of goodwill have the audacity to build shalom for everyone.


What Christmas this Year?

Presents, shopping, decorations, trees, Santa Claus are all beautiful but let us be careful not to reduce Christmas to these signs alone. Let us not fall into the “temptation to commercialize Christmas.”


Pope Francis’ Peace Plan for Ukraine

So far, Pope Francis’ plea is the most authoritative voice speaking in favor of peace, establishing a minimal basis for the beginning of a possible negotiation.


The Church is All Missionary

Pope Francis dreams of a Church that is “completely missionary.” By virtue of baptism, Christians are missionaries in the power of the Holy Spirit to the ends of the earth.

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