Author: Fr. Antonio Carlos


Soul-Searching in the Church

The Pope singles out not only the crimes of pedophilia but also condemns the exercise of power within the Church pointing the finger at messianisms, elitisms, clericalisms.


A Lesson In Goodness

The important lesson to draw from this saga is to appreciate how a group of adolescents had the mental capacity to wait and be united in adversity in order to survive.


Renounce Violence Against Priests!

What is the rationale behind these killings? Is there a pattern of intimidation and persecution against the shepherds of the Church? If so, which of their actions and words bother so much as to deserve their assassination?


It Is Feasible To Eradicate Hunger

One third of food produced in the world for human consumption every year that gets lost or wasted would be enough to feed the nearly one billion hungry population.


When Will Justice Win in Syria?

The Syrian people hold international leaders responsible for failing to prevent their suffering, and demand that they use all measures available to stop the attacks.


Solidarity with Persecuted Christians

The Lenten season is an optimal time to be in spiritual and material solidarity with the millions of followers of Jesus Christ enduring hardships because of their faith.


Resistance within the Church

Besides the doctrinal dissention, I agree with some commentators that the reason to the resistance to Pope Francis is his new mind-set and reformist agenda.


Two Challenges for 2018

Both climate change and the nuclear threat are, in my view, the most pressing challenges for this year and for generations to come as well.


Humble Instruments

The unassuming Diego enjoyed seeing himself as “a nobody…a small rope… a tiny ladder, the tail end, a leaf.” In God’s mysterious plan, he was the instrument that triggered the start of a new chapter in the evangelization of Latin America.


Spiritual poverty as an attitude

Poverty, according to Pope Francis’ letter for the World Day of the Poor, is understood as humility, sharing of life and an ‘’interior attitude that avoids looking upon money, career and luxury as our goal in life and the condition for our happiness.”

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