Author: Fr. Antonio Carlos


Resistance within the Church

Besides the doctrinal dissention, I agree with some commentators that the reason to the resistance to Pope Francis is his new mind-set and reformist agenda.


Two Challenges for 2018

Both climate change and the nuclear threat are, in my view, the most pressing challenges for this year and for generations to come as well.


Humble Instruments

The unassuming Diego enjoyed seeing himself as “a nobody…a small rope… a tiny ladder, the tail end, a leaf.” In God’s mysterious plan, he was the instrument that triggered the start of a new chapter in the evangelization of Latin America.


Spiritual poverty as an attitude

Poverty, according to Pope Francis’ letter for the World Day of the Poor, is understood as humility, sharing of life and an ‘’interior attitude that avoids looking upon money, career and luxury as our goal in life and the condition for our happiness.”


Mission at the heart of faith

As we enter the month of October, it is good to remember the upcoming celebration of World Mission Sunday, on the 22nd. This year, the Pope’s message to mark this important event reiterates the truth that “the Church is missionary by nature.”


The “treasures” of the Church

From a Christian perspective, the strategy to tackle the drugs scourge should address the root causes, namely, poverty, unemployment and destitution. It is time that the drug plague be dealt with as a health and social problem, and not only as a criminal one.


Urgency on the climate crisis

Religious leaders, and believers in general, can play an important role in calling for bold action in the implementation of the Paris Agreement to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius.


Peace for Mindanao

The many problems of Mindanao must be solved by addressing the root causes of underdevelopment and structural injustices.


The prophetic message

A hundred years after, Fatima continues to be relevant and a focus of spiritual renewal of the Church and the world, now more than ever, with the exemplary lives of two humble and saintly children who are set as models worth emulating.


A graced history

Our history is significantly marked with the crown of martyrdom of our 25 martyrs – priests, brothers and sisters – who shed their blood at the service of the Gospel and the people in dangerous spots.

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