Category: Bridge Builders

Bridge Builders

A Missionary Church

The year 2020 is a year like no other with its tragic events and political divisions. Depending on one’s perspective, and with God’s grace, we can still appreciate this year as one of transformation and compassionate servant leadership.

Bridge Builders

Dialogue: The Great Bridge Builder

There are many different perspectives of the Truth in the world. In order to bridge these differences, we must humbly open our hearts and minds to have proper dialogue.

Bridge Builders

Holistic Formation Programs

It is normal to categorize our life into different areas such as spiritual, social and many other areas of human sciences. Yet the reality is that human life cannot be categorized. It is important to have a holistic approach in dealing with people.

Bridge Builders

Overcoming Poverty

Despite the frightening atmosphere of the Covid-19 pandemic, we still believe that God is alive and wants us to experience fullness of life. This is perceptible when people inspired by God take the responsibility to lift others out of poverty.

Bridge Builders

Communicating Pro-Life Issues

The rapid spread of Covid-19 globally challenged the fight for life in many aspects such as spiritual, mental, physiological and economic. How could we, as a Church, enter into these realities and bring concrete manifestations of hope, life and serenity?

Bridge Builders

The Accompaniment Ministry

Depressive disorders contribute more and more to non-fatal health loss and sometimes lead to suicide. To address these social issues, many parishes set up the accompaniment ministry as a response to the invitation of Jesus to be instruments of His hope and His healing love to others.

Bridge Builders

Think Globally, Act Locally

The outbreak of the deadly virus Covid-19 has affected the whole world and each government is struggling to find its own methods of containing the virus while trying to learn from the experiences of other countries.

Bridge Builders

Nature Calls

Scientists say that human activity has a huge impact on global warming. There are actions and measures we can take in our everyday lives that can prevent the ill effects of global warming from escalating in the long run.

Bridge Builders

Reaching Out to the E-Generation

How can the Church reach out to the millennials and Generation Z with their distinctive worldview formed through the internet and social media? Experts point out the need to equip the youth with skills in critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity.

Bridge Builders

A Listening Church

The Church in her evangelization activity communicates with the world. How can she be effective if the listening part of the communication is left out? A listening Church is needed—a Church which listens to God, to neighbors and to the signs of the times.

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