Category: Editorial


A More Hopeful Christmas

The rays of beauty, faith and joy emanating from the modest crib of Bethlehem shine forth to the whole world. May they rekindle a sense of hope to our humanity.


Climate Crisis, A Pastoral Priority

While government is slow in its immediate response, citizens who live in the coastal areas threatened by flooding can act daily by refraining from throwing garbage into the water and saving tap water.


Mission Of Compassion

World Mission Sunday is an opportunity to remember all those who have left their homes and families behind to bring the Gospel to peoples and places awaiting the message of salvation.


Fr. Rhoel Gallardo: A Martyr Of Our Time

In the midst of hard circumstances, Fr. Rhoel chose to care for others. He paid the highest price with his life. May he be counted amongst the martyrs and saints of our time.


Catechist, A Missionary Agent

Pope Francis’ latest reforming move represents what some commentators call a “shake-up of a too clericalized church,” a cultural change within the Catholic Church opening up to lay ministries, such as lector and acolyte for women and now catechist.


Cleaning Up Finances of the Vatican

The Holy See accepts to undergo a cleanup operation of its finances and align itself with international norms to promote transparency.


The Pandemic of Religious Violence

The assaults on the lives of two missionaries bespeak of a growing tide of religious violence concomitant to the coronavirus pandemic.


The “Tiananmen Moment” of Myanmar

She walked towards them, knelt, and, appealed: “Don’t shoot, don’t kill innocent blood. If you want, kill me.” About 100 protesters managed to escape because of the nun’s intervention.


Pope Promotes Women in the Church

The recent strides of Pope Francis assigning women to high positions signal a step in the right direction, a move forward towards a more inclusive Church where women assume effective participation.


Vaccination, an Ethical Obligation

Pope Francis is calling on everyone to be vaccinated. The pope called the vaccine a life-saving instrument, and therefore, an ethical obligation. The refusal to be inoculated is suicidal.

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