The Power of Two
He was a lawyer and a civil servant, she a housewife, a writer and a mystic. They are the first couple to be declared blessed, a shining example of the holiness “next door” of which Pope Francis speaks.
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He was a lawyer and a civil servant, she a housewife, a writer and a mystic. They are the first couple to be declared blessed, a shining example of the holiness “next door” of which Pope Francis speaks.
Gifted with extraordinary intelligence, clarity of expression and deep spirituality, Cardinal Suenens (1904-1996) played a pivotal part during Vatican II, aiming at the reform of the Church. Later he became the chaplain of the World Charismatic Renewal Movement. He said: “I used to be concerned with the motor of the car, now I am concerned with the fuel, the Holy Spirit’s energy”.
On May 10, Pope Francis visited Nomadelfia, the small town where “brotherhood is the law”. This example of Christian utopia, inspired by the community of the Acts of the Apostles, is the dream of a prophetic figure of priest, Fr. Zeno Saltini, an example of “holiness in the neighborhood” about which Pope Francis wrote in his last apostolic exhortation.
Hero of his people’s anti-apartheid struggle, Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) became South Africa’s first democratically elected president. In working to free his country from racial division, he led an essentially peaceful revolution. Mandela has surely been venerated by more millions in his lifetime than any other political figure in history.
The young Claretian priest Fr. Rhoel (1965-2000), missionary at the dangerous periphery of the archipelago, was conscious of the possibility of a violent death, but he would never abandon his people. His martyrdom, when it came, was a real sacrifice, an omen of heroic faithfulness.
Italian economist and political theorist, university professor, family man and father of seven, Joseph Toniolo (1845-1918) became known for his work with Pope Leo XIII on the landmark encyclical Rerum Novarum. Toniolo is the first economist ever beatified by the Catholic Church.
Son of a pagan family, Fr. Michael was a true pastor close to the people, poor and exemplary. He was sent to a monastery in England to prepare him to introduce monasticism to Nigeria, but God had a different plan. Blessed Cyprian Michael was to be the worthy root of the present thriving Nigerian Christianity.
Good looking, well educated, upper middle class Englishman who subsequently became a Catholic John Bradburne (1921-1979), fought as an officer during World War II. He was a restless traveler until he settled in a lepers’ camp in Africa. There he served, prayed and wrote poetry. There he suffered martyrdom. His fame of holiness has steadily increased.
Family man and daily communicant, Alcide De Gasperi (1881-1954) courageously led the Italian delegation at the Paris Peace Conference that concluded World War II in 1946 and guided Italy’s reconstruction as Prime Minister. He is one of the fathers of the European Union. His cause for beatification was introduced in 1993.
Endowed with a strong, energetic temperament, the young French woman Elizabeth Catez (1880-1906), was called by God to gather the spiritual legacy of her contemporary, the great Therese of Lisieux. She also entered the Carmelites and became the mystic of God, the Trinity, indwelling in our soul.