Category: Filipino Focus

Filipino Focus

Understanding Mano Po in Filipino Society

Mano po is a gesture of respect for an older person, regardless of gender, status in life, local or foreign, that is uniquely Filipino. The goal of this article is to help us understand that this gesture is strictly Filipino.

Filipino Focus

Why the Rosary in Jeepneys?

Jeepney drivers often hang rosaries and display images of Jesus and Mary on their dashboards to ward off evil and bring them good health. This practice shows how they profess and treasure their faith.

Filipino Focus

The Christmas Lantern Festival and Diwali

The Holy Family’s Nativity scene has the most significant Christmas meaning, symbolizing the Messiah’s birth. In Pampanga, Philippines, they have the Giant Lantern Festival. Meanwhile, India has Diwali, their most well-known holiday of the year.

Filipino Focus

Helped By Unseen Forces

A new lawyer from the Philippines proves that nothing is impossible if you work hard, find ways, and most importantly, believe in God and His guidance.

Filipino Focus

A Home for Children with Special Needs

The Servants of Charity in the Philippines have been providing a home to indigent and abandoned children and young adults with intellectual disabilities. The Guanella community in Quezon City is also a place for discovering, cultivating, harnessing, and enjoying their talents and skills.

Filipino Focus

A Challenge to the Church and Democracy

50 years after Ferdinand Marcos Sr. made himself a dictator by declaring Martial Law, his only son was formally inaugurated as the 17th President of the Philippines, after 31 million-plus Filipinos gave Marcos Jr. the strongest electoral mandate any president could dream of.

Filipino Focus

Just Do It: Julianne Torres

A stay-at-home mother pursues her dream of joining a noontime contest Reina ng Tahanan. She shares how she has overcome the virus and continues to raise faith-driven kids.

Filipino Focus

Mission To The World

The more than ten million Filipinos abroad carry around their Catholic faith with their special way of praying and celebrating. In this way, everywhere, they are reviving the local churches where they worship.

Filipino Focus

Christianity And The Filipino Identity

The fact that Christianity arrived and developed together with the colonial domination of the Spaniards has constituted a problem for the identity of the Filipino people.

Filipino Focus

Holy Rebellions

In the 19th century, violent rebellions against the colonial government involving Church personnel broke out. They were motivated not by insubordination but by strong, legitimate demand for equal treatment.

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