Category: MCCJ In The World

Friend of the Mission

The Comboni Missionaries In America

Their presence was first in the Unites States. Sent to Latin America by the Pope, the Comboni Missionaries have later spread to different countries of that part of the continent, facing different realities and challenges.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
MCCJ In The World

The Comboni Missionaries In Africa

From St. Daniel Comboni himself to the present time, hundreds of his missionaries have given their life for Africa. It is a story of success. It is now Africa that gives back its contribution to the Church and to the Comboni Missionaries.

MCCJ In The World

Comboni Missionaries in Europe

Europe was the first continent to be evangelized. After the apostolic time, that was the work of the Benedictine monks like St. Patrick for Ireland, St. Boniface for Germany, the Saints Cyril and Methodius for the peoples of the East of Europe and of Russia.

Friend of the Mission

The Comboni Missionaries in Asia

Some items of general information about the Comboni Missionaries are followed by their last initiative which is their tiny presence in the greatest continent, Asia.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
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