Category: Frontiers


Unborn Babies still Desperately Need our Help!

The U.S Supreme Court declared that abortion is not a constitutional right. Each individual state can restrict or ban abortion. But the opposite is also the reality in that Congress and states can make abortion legal. So, the unborn still desperately need our help!


“I was a Stranger and You Gave me no Welcome”

Sadly, many wealthy nations continue to largely turn a blind eye to the desperate plight of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. Pope Francis has condemned Europe’s treatment of migrants as “disgusting, sinful and criminal.”


The Power of Women to Change their World

There is hope that women and children victims of violence and sexual abuse can change their world by fighting back for justice. The #MeToo movement gave a greater chance for women and children to fight back by bringing their abusers to justice.


Pope Francis: ‘Please be pacifists’

During an inflight press conference the Holy Father requested journalists to be pacifists. Pacifism does not mean lying down and allowing brutal aggressors to kill and destroy. Quite the contrary! Pacifism means commitment to limit and even stop armed aggression.


‘Christianity is the world’s most persecuted religion’

Brutal forms of persecution are happening to Christians in many countries throughout much of the world. According to international reports, the great majority of all religiously motivated violence and oppression is suffered by Christians.


‘This is not a bluff’

The world has reached a “dangerous moment” with President Putin threating the use of nuclear weapons in the battle against Ukraine. The ongoing loss of life and the suffering of countless innocent civilians illustrate the pressing need for negotiations to stop the war.


The Insanity of Possessing Nuclear Weapons

If within the next 10 years, if within the next year, if within the next 30 minutes, the ravages of nuclear war are unleashed upon humanity–murdering billions of people, inflicting excruciating injuries upon countless others, sending civilization back to the Stone Age and destroying most of the rest of God’s earthly creation, it won’t have happened without much warning.


100 Million People Worldwide Forced To Flee

This year, the World Day of Migrants and Refugees will be celebrated on 26 September. The number of people forced to leave their countries and homes is the highest ever. The trend can only be reversed by concerted efforts to resolve poverty, climate change, COVID-19, and armed conflicts.


Finally! The unborn now have a fighting chance!

While the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade is a monumental step forward on behalf of the vulnerable unborn babies, it is also a victory for victimized–often poor, disadvantaged–women targeted by for-profit abortion businesses.


War’s Deadly Distractions

With Ukraine’s shipping ports closed due to its deadly war with Russia, millions of people who are dependent on the imports of food from the Eastern European country are on the verge of starvation.

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