Category: Frontiers


‘This is not a bluff’

The world has reached a “dangerous moment” with President Putin threating the use of nuclear weapons in the battle against Ukraine. The ongoing loss of life and the suffering of countless innocent civilians illustrate the pressing need for negotiations to stop the war.


The Insanity of Possessing Nuclear Weapons

If within the next 10 years, if within the next year, if within the next 30 minutes, the ravages of nuclear war are unleashed upon humanity–murdering billions of people, inflicting excruciating injuries upon countless others, sending civilization back to the Stone Age and destroying most of the rest of God’s earthly creation, it won’t have happened without much warning.


100 Million People Worldwide Forced To Flee

This year, the World Day of Migrants and Refugees will be celebrated on 26 September. The number of people forced to leave their countries and homes is the highest ever. The trend can only be reversed by concerted efforts to resolve poverty, climate change, COVID-19, and armed conflicts.


Finally! The unborn now have a fighting chance!

While the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade is a monumental step forward on behalf of the vulnerable unborn babies, it is also a victory for victimized–often poor, disadvantaged–women targeted by for-profit abortion businesses.


War’s Deadly Distractions

With Ukraine’s shipping ports closed due to its deadly war with Russia, millions of people who are dependent on the imports of food from the Eastern European country are on the verge of starvation.


Disarming our hearts, disarming the world

Our world is awash with both conventional and nuclear weapons. It is one of the largest businesses in the planet. Let us urge our national and international leaders to work toward building a world without weapons by significantly cutting weapons funding.


Living a Full Life by Dying and Rising

The true mark of Christian discipleship is offering oneself for the good of others, accepting the daily hardships as a sharing in Christ’s suffering. In the end, the followers of Jesus will experience the joy of the Resurrection.


Blame Not the Poor for How They Vote

It is not out of malice or ideology that the poor vote as they do. They are simply deprived of the right information. If voters have access to correct information, they will vote differently. As the Bible says, “the truth shall set you free!”


Building God’s Kingdom In 2022

In this New Year, let us commit to building the kingdom of God–one human family with God as our loving Father, each person as our beloved brother or sister, and the earth, our common home, cherished as a mother.


We Owe it to Them

The world, and especially those nations that waged war in Afghanistan, cannot largely ignore the life and death emergency facing the long-suffering Afghan people. These are our brothers and sisters crying for our help.

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