Category: Frontiers


Pope Francis At His Prophetic Best!

In his video message for the Fourth World Meeting of Popular Movements, the Holy Father insisted on the necessity to change the “structures of sin” present in our society. “Personal change is necessary but it is also indispensable to adjust our socio-economic models,” he added.


Conservatives And Liberals Unite For Life

Conservative and liberal Catholics are divided on issues of life and death. Both need desperately to forge a unity and develop holistic strategies aimed at protecting the dignity of every single human being from conception to natural death.


Warning! – ‘Code Red For Humanity’

The evidence of climate change is more visible than ever as global heating affects each and every region of our planet. The only way to stop other ecological disasters from buffeting our planet is to quickly switch to clean and renewable energy.


They Need Us, And We Need Them!

Numerous studies confirm that immigrants are less likely to commit violent crimes than U.S.-born citizens. The truth is that immigrants greatly contribute to the economy especially in the agricultural sector.


Slavery In The 21st Century

The abolition of slavery enacted in many countries did not completely stop this dehumanizing practice. Slavery continues under the new name of Human Trafficking. We should be involved in ending this form of modern-day slavery.


The Verdict is in, but The Jury is Still Out

The commitment to social justice, equality, humanity and progress for all as a plan of action to end racism and hatred against minorities should avoid any form of violence.


God Loves Us

From God’s self-giving in Jesus Christ, we must understand and feel that God really loves us. In return, we should ask ourselves, do we also love Him? If so, how much?


Tribal Children Taken Away From School

A group of tribal children from North Davao district was welcomed by San Carlos University in Cebu to pursue their education. One day, police raided the children while they were holding classes claiming that they were victims of “kidnapping and indoctrination.”


Issues to be Set Right on Biden’s Plate

The new President of the United States is served grave international issues on his plate–climate change, nuclear weapons, abortion, arms trade, development aid­–all issues Pope Francis has insisted need to be set right.


For a “Grammar” of Care

This is the right time to unleash the Catholic Church’s “secret weapon.” A nonviolent weapon with tremendous power to neutralize evil forces, the Catholic Social Teaching is a priceless tool to help build the culture of care of creation and one another.

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