Category: In Focus

In Focus

What is the Future for Christians in Syria?

The fall of Bashar al-Assad’s regime gave way to the rapid rise of rebel groups with Islamist roots. The Christian minority reacted with a mix of cautious optimism and deep apprehension as promises of inclusivity from rebel leaders clashed with fears of persecution.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
In Focus

Sacred Heart Shows the Way in ‘Superficial’ Age

Pope Francis published a new encyclical calling for a renewed understanding of devotion to the Sacred Heart in the modern era. Archbishop Bruno Forte said the encyclical expressed “the inspiring motive of the whole magisterium of Pope Francis.”

In Focus

The Pope Visits “the Edge of the World”

Papua New Guinea (PNG) is literally at “the edge of the world,” while Indonesia and Singapore are spiritually on the periphery. Indonesia is the largest Muslim nation on the planet. Pope Francis, the shepherd, decided to be with his flock.

In Focus

Celebrating the Little Flower

Pope Francis, marking the 150th anniversary of Thérèse of Lisieux’s birth (1873-2023), published a medium-length apostolic exhortation on October 15, 2023; it is entitled C’est la Confiance (CC). The document, bearing the subtitle: “On Confidence in the Merciful Love of God,” contains an introduction, four sections, and a concluding prayer.

In Focus

A Call for Conversion

Returning to school as a priest and studying with young people made me realize I have much to learn. Interacting with classmates has prompted deep reflection on the misconduct within the Church, which must serve as a call for conversion.

In Focus

Fiducia Supplicans: What Kind of Church for the Future?

Opposition to the document detailing blessings for people in irregular situations has sometimes been attributed to anti-Francis movements. The reality is more complex and merits reflection about the future and what kind of a Church the Holy Father is calling us to be.

In Focus

Life on Our Planet is Under Siege

A group of scientists recently published a report which states that the Earth’s ‘vital signs’ are the worst in human history. Instead of pursuing war and slaughtering thousands of people around the world, we should be focusing on the distressing signs of our planet.

In Focus

Serving the Bedouin Communities

The Comboni Missionary Sisters are in Israel working with the Bedouin communities of Jahalin in the Judean Desert. Listening to their needs has led to ideas and the formation of education programs, which are put into practice through a network of volunteers and collaborators.

In Focus

Concluding Our Joyful Journey

We have been sharing a fruitful pilgrimage with Pope Francis throughout 2023. Our voyage has been profoundly enriching, enabling us to appreciate the mind and heart of Papa Francisco. Six pivotal themes have surfaced during our rewarding year-long journey.

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