Category: Increase Our Faith

Increase Our Faith

Heart Mangers

What is the best Christmas gift? As this season of giving and receiving begins, what is indeed the best gift not only to ourselves, our families, but to Him? Aside from availing of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a unique gift is that of being a heart manger.

Increase Our Faith

Saintliness Is Not For Me?

In this month of November we remember particularly the lives of saints. They are examples of those who have shown that despite their own frailties, God has saved, transformed and called them to His fullness of life and everlasting happiness.

Increase Our Faith

The Roses of Mary

October is the month of the Holy Rosary. It It is a meditative prayer on the life of Jesus through the eyes of His Mother. Catholics are encouraged to pray it daily.

Increase Our Faith

Healing through Mary

The Blessed Virgin Mary is our compassionate Mother. Each of us can personally call out to her. She can aid in restoring our broken relationships with people we have experienced hurts with. As the Mother of God, she guides us towards Jesus.

Increase Our Faith

The Beauty of Confession

Some people might ask, “Why do I have to go to a priest and confess my sins to him? Could I not go directly to God?” Why do we need the Sacrament of Penance?

Increase Our Faith

The Holy Eucharist Heals

For Catholics, the Holy Mass is mainly an obligation. How many of us actually look forward to it and truly experience it as a life-giving sacrament? I have been challenged to explore how this highest form of worship can help bind our wounds.

Increase Our Faith

Forgiveness 101

It is very easy to advise a friend to forgive. However, we know too well that it is not that simple in real life, especially if the hurt is very deep. How can one truly forgive?

Increase Our Faith

Victory Over Fear

Fear is something we all experience. How we deal with it can either bring us closer to God, with tthe help of the Blessed Mother, or separate us from Him. It is all a matter of faith and trust that God is always there for us.

Increase Our Faith

The Fruits of Healing

A truly joyful person is one who leads a God-centered and meaningfully integrated life. It is a good practice to periodically check ourselves regarding where we are in our life’s journey. Spending some quiet time to seek enlightenment from the Holy Spirit is a worthwhile endeavor.

Increase Our Faith

Love without Conditions

It’s February, commonly referred to as the Love Month. Dinner dates, chocolates, roses, red hearts easily come to mind. Lest we fall into the trap of limiting love into the romantic arena, we hope to deeply reflect on important aspects of the kind of love we all are in search of.

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