Category: Living Communion

Living Communion

The Church as Home and School of Communion

The presence of Jesus in the Sacraments and the Church fosters the awareness of the communion that exists between Him and the Church and the communion among the members of the Church. Thus the Church is considered, home and school of communion.

Living Communion

Mary: Our Model of Perfection and Communion

Mary’s life and faith, though wrought with many difficulties, is the ultimate surrender and commitment to God. Let us follow her example in our daily lives.

Living Communion

Love for Jesus Crucified and Forsaken

On the Cross Jesus felt that He had been abandoned by His Father. However, He commended His Spirit in the hands of the Father who in turn raised Him and gave Him the glory. Jesus invites us then to follow His example by taking up our crosses and uniting ourselves to Him.

Living Communion

Unity: Jesus’ Great Prayer And Hope

Our model of unity is the life of the Most Holy Trinity which is mutual love, unity and distinction. Jesus himself prayed that we might be one. This unity is possible when we go out of ourselves to serve others.

Living Communion

Eucharist: Sacrament of Unity

The Eucharist unites us and gives us the grace to live in communion with one another. This sacrament unites us first of all with God, then with one another: that is why it is a sacrament of unity.

Living Communion

Ready to Die for One Another?

Our love for God and neighbor can’t just be personal. It can only reach its fullness when it becomes mutual, or reciprocal. Jesus’ new commandment impels us to love one another without putting limits.

Living Communion

Love of Neighbor

Our communion with God is not only through prayer or through His Word. We are in communion with God when we put our love of neighbor into practice.

Living Communion

The Word of Life

The Word of God is not only something to be pondered over and reflected upon, but it is also a way of living our everyday lives.

Living Communion

Living the Will of God

How do we know God’s will and how do we put it into practice? It is manifested in daily events, even unexpected ones, which require a sense of faith that sees everything we do as acts of love.

Living Communion

God Is Love

Drawn to the Blessed Sacrament in her young age, the author experienced God’s immense, personal and unconditional love. This awareness calls for a response in return to love God and neighbor. In practical terms this means to be the first one to love every person.

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