Category: Making History

Making History

A Window To The World

The first trip I made, as World Mission editor, was to Uganda in 2006. There, I had the opportunity to get more acquainted with a phenomenon known as “child commuters” – the children who, for years, night after night, would leave their homes to go and sleep in safer places so as not to be kidnapped by the notorious Joseph Kony’s fanatical movement, the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). The report of that trip was published in the June issue of that year together with the testimonies of some children who had endured terrible atrocities perpetrated by the bloody rebels.

Making History

Environmentally Friendly

My short time spent at World Mission’s editor desk was indeed an interesting and enriching experience. I used to define the magazine as “an open window to the world” and I truly felt as if I was on a windowsill scanning the horizon and reaching out to all peoples and situations. Of course the issues to deal with were so many, likewise the most compelling ones, and to decide which should be considered first was really a challenge. However, the task, though big, was surely guided by the hand of Someone.

Making History

A Strong Sense Of The Global

I am very grateful for this opportunity to be part of the celebration of World Mission’s Silver Jubilee celebrations and to think back to my four years as editor.

Making History

Animating The Asian Church

I had the privilege to serve as editor of World Mission from January 1994 to January 1999. During the early years of my service, many events marked the life and the mission of the Universal Church and they had a deep impact on the Church in Asia and on the still young World Mission magazine: the special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops (1st African Synod), in March 1994; Pope John Paul II’s visit to Manila for the 10th World Youth Day, from 12 to16 January 1995; and the beatification of St. Daniel Comboni, in March 1996.

Making History

Moments Of Wonder

Every month, when I receive the copy of World Mission magazine, I savor unique moments of wonder.

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