Category: Mission is Fun

Mission is Fun

The Licensee’s Prompter

Fr. Fulvio had been working for more than thirty years in Uganda, in the northern part of the country.

Mission is Fun

Seven Fun Facts About The Pope

Does the pope have an annual salary? Why does the pope wear white? The papacy is fascinating to many people and mysterious to others. Here is a brief list of seven fun facts about the pope that help explain the papacy and its traditions.

Mission is Fun

Did Jesus Have A Sense Of Humor?

Laughter is indeed good medicine. It saves us from stubbornness, fear, and the temptation to take ourselves too seriously.

Mission is Fun

On The Importance Of Knowing Latin

Mexican Comboni Fr. Manuel Casillas, who is now working in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, served for six years in the General Administration of the Comboni Missionaries in Rome some years ago.

Mission is Fun

A ‘Stormy’ Rainmaking Dance

Father Tarcisio, an Italian Comboni Missionary, had always believed in the use of mass media in catechesis, even before the publication of the Apostolic Exhortation Cathechesi Tradendae (on catechesis in our time) by Saint Pope John Paul II in 1979.

Mission is Fun

A Trickery Meal

Fr. Cervetto got used to living alone in Darfur (which later became a war zone in Sudan), so he would eat little and adapt himself to the food served when eating with others.

Mission is Fun

Profession of Faith in a Plane

Have you ever had to swear that Jesus Christ is risen? I had to. Returning from vacation on the plane between Rome and Cairo, I got a seat next to a little girl who was travelling alone. The steward sat her down and made sure she had a plastic bag around her neck in which her ticket and passport could be seen. They brought dinner; we ate in silence, but I realised that the little girl wanted to talk, so I gave her a chance.

Mission is Fun

“Mum, who’s that Clown?”

Once upon a time, the clerical collar was not yet known in Italy. All the good friars were roaming around in cassocks. Occasionally, it happened that some of them, for reasons of study or work, had to travel to countries such as Mexico, England or the United States where the cassock was not allowed. How to go about it? One needed a “disguise”. Where the Brother in charge of the wardrobe of the Comboni’s Mother House in Verona found clothes for the operation was not known, but one thing was sure: they were not so discreet

Mission is Fun

A Marriage On The Floor

A missionary narrates his experience of a unique wedding: “One morning in my mountain parish in Barillas, Guatemala, I presided at ten marriages.

Mission is Fun

Good Pope John XXIII

Many saints had a great sense of humor. Perhaps the most well-known contemporary example is Pope John XXIII, who served as pope from 1958 to 1963 and was canonized in 2014.

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