Category: One By One

One By One

Tourists or Pilgrims? The Youth Dilemma

Living in a “liquid society” where definite beliefs and permanent choices are seen as unattractive, young people enjoy seeing themselves as pilgrims. Life, then, is a pilgrimage made up of an adventurous itinerary and the focus on the final destination of the journey.

One By One

Attentive Like a Fossil Collector

Embarking on a college course chosen for you by your elders which is not to your liking? Or you are in a situation wherein you find your life meaningless, the following article will show you how to find the “fossil” in life that will make it purposeful, and God’s will for you.

One By One

Taking the Moral High Ground

Faced with the possibility of giving birth to babies with abnormalities, doctors suggested abortion to the young mothers. The witness of an experienced mum turned the argument upside down. In spite of concerns, these fetuses are God’s gifts whom He loves and therefore, have the right to life.

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Out of Darkness, Towards the Light

The successful rescue operation of 12 boys and their coach from a cave in Thailand is an excellent allegory of what education is all about – lead the person out of darkness into the light of knowledge.

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The Example of Mother Teresa

In evangelizing the poor the primary goal should not be their conversion but rather a selfless love that expects nothing in return. Mother Teresa and her sisters served the needy as an act of love to Jesus Himself.

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The Samaritan Women of the World

Victims of human trafficking need not lose hope with their lives. There is always Jesus who will be there to restore their dignity, accept them for who they are, and make them live worthwhile lives. Jesus will cure their loneliness and their guilt, no matter the circumstances.

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Friends Until the End

When one joins the catechumenate, they will feel how it is to belong and to be held by the love of its members all held together by a loving God who will not abandon anyone until the end of their days on earth.

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Louder Than Words

A French priest chose to stay in China as a silent witness of his faith, evangelizing not by preaching but by living through his daily life the teachings of the Gospel. He was an extraordinary man of action, rather than of words.

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Her Own Decision

This is the story of someone who, after having listened to the Gospel and being touched by it, took the decision to be baptized. The neophyte experienced that the Church is the place where freedom is enhanced, not eliminated.

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The Modern “Secret” Christians

In mainland China, there is a growing presence of educated professional people who, outside the Church structures, bear witness to God’s love in their lives. Their discreet presence may be an effective witness to the Gospel values in an increasing materialistic Chinese society.

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