Category: Unity in Diversity

Unity in Diversity

International Interdependence

In tackling the COVID-19 crisis as a global community and international family, one area of cooperation is fighting fake news about the pandemic and encouraging netizens to get their information from credible sources.

Unity in Diversity

Addressing Migrants’ Needs

Countries hosting migrants need to exercise compassion towards the foreigners they receive. It is important for the Government, the private sector and the Church to help migrants to blend into their new culture and environment.

Unity in Diversity

Respecting Our Elderly

This pandemic has particularly been challenging for our senior citizens. They have been vulnerable to COVID-19 and are suffering the effects of the lockdown restrictions. And yet, society owes them respect, protection, and care. In these perplexing times, families and governments should do the utmost to safeguard and nurture our elderly people.

Unity in Diversity

Advocating Mental Health

Although mental health problems were already on the rise before the pandemic, experts noticed that lockdowns and isolations have slowed down existing mental health services. Individuals and organizations must collaborate to tackle the rise of mental health issues.

Unity in Diversity

Media in Public Service

Social media and mass media are effective tools to reach out to more people. However, it can be misused. We must use these tools to spread the message of hope, love, and faith.

Unity in Diversity

Healthy Politics

As The Philippines will hold elections next year, citizens have the responsibility to discern who they have to choose to lead the country.

Unity in Diversity

Facing Calamities Together

Amidst an upsurge of COVID-19 cases, many people are venting their frustration and crying out to God. In these times, we need true servant leadership. In his recent visit to war-torn Iraq, Pope Francis urged citizens to work harmoniously so as to overcome the calamities facing the world.

Unity in Diversity

Protecting Children and Women from Abuse

There has been a dramatic increase in child and women abuse during the pandemic. There must be a joint effort in society to protect their rights, stopping all forms of abuse, and providing them with support and healing.

Unity in Diversity

Religions Respond to COVID-19

The outcome of working together has always proved itself rewarding especially when the effort is meant to tackle a particular crisis. It has been the example of different religious denominations who came together to address the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Unity in Diversity

The Year of Creative Economy

The use of the internet for work and for online learning has tremendously increased and facilitated working together since the outbreak of the COVID-19. Nevertheless, real communication such as building bridges is yet to be achieved. Thus, the necessity to work for it in a creative way.

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