Category: Vatican II

Vatican II

The Ecclesiology of Vatican II

The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) has accurately been described as a “Council of the Church about the Church.” For four years, the Church reflected on her self-identity as the community of Christ’s disciples. This reflection seeks to capture a “Vatican II Ecclesiology” in eight “snapshot” images.

This content is from the latest issue, which is viewable by paying Subscribers only.
Vatican II

Paul VI: Missionary Pope of Vatican II

From pioneering papal travels to advancing interreligious dialogue, Paul VI modeled a Church reaching out to the world, inspired by the Gospel’s transformative power. His missionary zeal and the Vatican II spirit he embodied are his enduring legacy.

Vatican II

Council Documents Brief Synthesis

A comprehensive list of Vatican Council II documents provides a brief overview of each document, shedding light on how Vatican II reshaped the Church’s mission, structure and relationship with contemporary society.

Vatican II

Chronicle of Vatican II

This chronology of the Second Vatican Council traces key events, from its inception to its legacy, highlighting pivotal moments, papal actions, and significant theological developments that shaped modern Catholicism.

Vatican II

John XXIII: Father of Vatican II

Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, better known as Pope John XXIII, earned the nickname “Good Pope John.” His enduring legacy is his role as the architect of the Second Vatican Council aimed at modernizing the Church and engaging it more deeply with the contemporary world.

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