Category: Winds of the Spirit

Winds of the Spirit

Peaceful Army

Famous for its penchant for using the terminology of the Roman army, this movement is among the oldest. Today, its members total over ten million worldwide, making it the largest apostolic organization of lay people in the Catholic Church.

Winds of the Spirit

Basic Christian Instruction

A fruit of WW II in the particular experience of the Church in Spain is this original catechetic initiative which has conquered the Christian world and appeared in countless adaptations in more than one hundred countries.

Winds of the Spirit

School of Love

To make husband and wife spend a weekend looking at each other and at their love together with other couples is the simple yet brilliant idea of the Worldwide Marriage Encounter movement.

Winds of the Spirit

Lessons from the Vulnerable

On May 6, 2019 Jean Vanier, great modern prophet, died. A naval officer and then theology professor, he left everything to live with the handicapped. He is the founder of L’Arche (Noah’s Ark), the worldwide movement in favor of the disabled.

Winds of the Spirit

Culture Looking For Christ

This is the incredible accomplishment of a humble Italian priest, Fr. Louis Giussani. Communion and Liberation embodies his superior intelligence and deep love for the person of Christ encountered in culture: poetry, literature, music and the arts.

Winds of the Spirit

Alive in the Spirit

In the sixties the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement went through the body of the Catholic Church, bringing vitality, joy and enthusiasm. By far the largest of the movements, it is still alive and active in many countries, touching the lives of millions of people.

Winds of the Spirit

The Peacemakers

It all started in the turbulent year of 1968, when a group of college students took to reading the Gospel seriously and got involved with the suburban poor of Rome. The Community of Saint Egidio is now a world event with tens of thousands of members in many countries.

Winds of the Spirit

Reviving the Apostolic Church

The Neocatechumenal Way is a worldwide Catholic movement that makes the participants rediscover their baptism. Many conversions and vocations to the ministry are often the cherished result of their demanding formation journey.

Winds of the Spirit

The Pattern of Nazareth

The call to evangelize marks the commitment of many Christian couples who have joined in a now worldwide movement. Born of the Charismatic Renewal, Couples for Christ mean to draw from the example of the Holy Family and make the devotion to Christ’s mission a widespread reality in the family.

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