Category: WM Special

WM Special

Discovering Life on the Camino

The ancient Camino de Santiago attracts numerous pilgrims from different religious backgrounds including people who do not profess any religion. This surge can be attributed to a growing desire for personal renewal, connection with the divine, and a break from the world’s distractions. 

WM Special

One Hundred and Two

An unexpected circumstance led the author to a direct experience of the difficult living conditions of a prison setting and to a brief moment of deep solidarity with the PDLs.

WM Special

Nick: The Mistake of Choosing Good

This story shows how someone could undergo a profound human transformation ‘thanks to’ circumstances that an ordinary person would never choose in order to grow.

WM Special

Lord, When Did We See You in Prison?

According to recent data, there are about 180,000 PDLs (Persons Deprived of Liberty) in the entire Philippines. What are some common thoughts, views, and prejudices about PDLs? Which attitudes can ordinary citizens and Christians cultivate towards them?

WM Special

Prayer to Hear the Cry of the Earth

We pray that each one of us will hear and take to heart the cry of the Earth and the victims of natural disasters and climactic change, and that all will care for the world in which we live.

WM Special

Attitudes in Your Daily Life

Caring for the Earth in daily life involves adopting sustainable practices and fostering an attitude of environmental stewardship. Here are some key points to guide one’s actions. 

WM Special

Faith Letter for a Fossil Fuel Treaty

As leaders in diverse religious and spiritual communities worldwide, we call on governments to develop and implement a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.

WM Special

Q&A: Fossil Fuels Non-Proliferation Treaty for Catholics

After the Paris Agreement at the United Nations, we must take a step forward to complement and strengthen it. This step is The Fossil Fuels Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT). In the question and answer below, we provide the concerns about the Treaty.

WM Special

From Laudato Si’ to Laudate Deum

Laudate Deum is not merely a repetition or addendum to Laudato Si’. The two teachings are distinct. Each is important in its own right. So, what has changed?

WM Special

Climate Change Must Be a Priority for All

The release of an apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum, which renews and extends Laudato Si’, makes it clear that climate change remains at the forefront of Pope Francis’ concerns and should remain at the forefront of ours as well.

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