Category: World Touch


Pope To Visit Turkey

Pope Francis wishes to visit Turkey in 2025 to celebrate the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, according to the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople (in photo).

Jubilee Year

Hope, Central Message For The Jubilee Year

Hope is the central message of the new decree bearing the title Latin Spes non Confundit (“Hope does not disappoint”), with which Pope Francis solemnly proclaimed the upcoming Jubilee Year 2025. 


Ethical Banks Warn Against Investing in Arms

A three-day Global Alliance for Banking on Values summit, with the participation of about 70 ethical banks from across the world, wrapped up in northern Italy with a call to embrace the principles of Ethical Finance for the good of humanity and the planet.

Sri Lanka

The Martyrs of the Easter Attacks

The Archdiocese of Colombo has the ardent desire to begin the process of canonization of 171 Catholic faithful killed in the terrorist attack on Easter Sunday 2019, in order to honor their “martyrs of the faith.”


Terrifying Situation

“The intervention of the international community is urgent, otherwise a point of no return will be reached and the dead will be counted in the thousands,” said Father Massimo Miraglio, Camillian Missionary.


Catechist on the road to Canonization

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Pasig has started the cause for beatification and canonization of Laureana “Ka Luring” Franco (in photo), a Filipina catechist with two supposed miracles already under her name.

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