Series: Christmas: Hope for the World


Commandments of the Heart

The last two commandments of the Decalogue (You shall not set your heart on your neighbor’s house and on your neighbor’s spouse) warn against some human desires, namely the evil desires which come from the heart. These two commandments call for purity of heart.

Winds of the Spirit

In Love with the Real Presence

From within the Renewal in the Spirit, a lay person, Pierre Goursat started the Emmanuel Community, which has grown worldwide since, out of his love for Jesus.

Follow Me

Motivated by Real Hope

Youth is a blessing and a call to life, a phase not only marked by dreams and hopes, but also by experiences and options that shape a life project.

Bridge Builders

A Missionary Church

The year 2020 is a year like no other with its tragic events and political divisions. Depending on one’s perspective, and with God’s grace, we can still appreciate this year as one of transformation and compassionate servant leadership.

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