Series: Guadalupe "What's Troubling You?"


Humble Instruments

The unassuming Diego enjoyed seeing himself as “a nobody…a small rope… a tiny ladder, the tail end, a leaf.” In God’s mysterious plan, he was the instrument that triggered the start of a new chapter in the evangelization of Latin America.

WM Special

Ambassador of Santa Maria

It was through a Christian indigenous, Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin (which means “the talking eagle”), that a new chapter of encounters between the Indo-Americans and the European missionaries began. The call by God of this indigenous signaled the start of evangelization in Latin America.

WM Special

The Guadalupe event

Guadalupe is the pulse and heart of the Mexican people, a profound reality that has accompanied its Christian and social history from its beginnings to today. It is the DNA of the social, cultural and religious identity of the nation.

WM Special

In the arms of the Mother

No strangers to natural calamities, Mexicans once again had to pull up their human resources to face head-on the latest devastating earthquake that brought the country to its knees. In times of crises, the words of the Virgin of Guadalupe echo in the hearts of people as an assurance and consolation.

Filipino Focus

Letting the Light of Jesus Shine

Many years ago, a fourteen-year-old boy was the first to talk at the first ever meeting of Light of Jesus. Now, decades after, Bo Sanchez leads this Catholic community which has thousands of people participating, not only in the Philippines, but in the whole world.


Respecting Life

As Christians, what does it really mean to respect life? It means that all life – including the environment – but especially human life, is a precious gift from the Creator. And therefore, no one, absolutely no one, is expendable. Everyone counts in the eyes of God.


A God of Life

Mission in the name of Jesus has this aim – the regeneration of life! The question is: How do we heal our life’s wounds? How do we regenerate life? The answer is simple: by love

In Focus

When There is Loss, Give Back!

Christmas is a joyful occasion of Christ’s love. We celebrate the good news, the best news, of Jesus’ birth. Even when faced with tribulations, let us find it in our hearts to give back.

Follow Me

The Rescuing Encounter

The encounters with the risen Christ take place upon the initiative of Jesus Who shows the Christian community how to be His witness in the world. An outstanding example is Jesus’ encounter with Peter who is rescued and given the ability to love and serve.

Life's Essentials

The Art of Dialogue

More than ever before, the call for dialogue and collaboration has heightened. Our volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous and digital (VUCAD) world requires working towards greater simplicity and clarity in the way we dialogue and collaborate.

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