Series: Justice and Dignity: An Elusive Dream


Taliban Provokes New Hunger For Education

Following scattered defiance of the Taliban earlier, a new wave of students is now heading for education in schools and colleges across the troubled north of Pakistan. “There is a steady increase in enrolment of students because parents have realised the significance of education, and now they want to thwart the Taliban’s efforts to deprive students of education,” Pervez Khan, education officer in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), stated. In 2012, he says, the literacy rate for girls was 3% in FATA. That rose to 10.5% in 2013. The boys literacy rate shot up correspondingly to 36.6% compared to a previous 29.5%.


Combating Human Trafficking

The cooperation between women religious and London’s Metropolitan Police to combat human trafficking has been of enormous importance and has produced great results. The hope is, therefore, that this experience can be repeated in other countries as well. This is according to the Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Vincent Gerard Nichols, who chaired the international conference promoted by the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, entitled “Combating Human Trafficking: Church and Law Enforcement in Partnership.”


Singing French Priests Embark On Year-Long Final Tour

First came Italy’s singing nun. Now a band of priests in France is having their own moment in the spiritual spotlight as they embark on a year-long concert tour to promote their latest album.


Still Plagued By Landmine Terror

A notice board on the wall of the prosthetic department at Mae Tao Clinic’s prosthetic department shows the names of 54 patients who have visited the department since February – 52 of them have lost limbs to landmines.

Climate Change

Manila, The Megacity On The Climate Frontline

Joshua Alvarez and his family fear for their lives when the monsoon rains come. Last August, their two-bedroom flat in Manila was flooded when severe tropical storm Trami dumped 15 inches of rain (380mm) in a few hours and the local reservoir overflowed. They fled to a flyover with thousands of others as five large areas of the capital were inundated with muddy waters up to three meters deep and a state of calamity was declared in three Philippine provinces.


Do We Care?

As followers of Jesus, our commitment to social justice – inspired and nurtured by faith – is a privileged way to give witness to the faith we profess.


U.N. Report On Food – Dire Warning For The World

A worrisome report by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization predicts that food production may not keep pace with population increases and dietary changes as some people become wealthier and consume more calories. Up to half-a-billion people could be chronically hungry in Asia alone, according to the report. Already, it is Asia, not Africa, which suffers the most from malnourishment and hunger.


Southeast Asia’s Largest Red-Light District Closes

Southeast Asia’s largest red-light district, in the Indonesian city of Surabaya, was shut down recently after pressure from locals. Authorities have announced the closure of the Dolly prostitution complex in Putat Jaya village, Sawahan subdistrict, stating that the area should be transformed into a “dignified” space that will attract businesses.

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