Series: Listen to the Song of Creation

Fratelli Tutti

Bringing About an Open World

In the third chapter of Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis invites all Christians and all people of goodwill to open their minds and hearts to God and, as a consequence, to love all brothers and sisters throughout the world.

Follow Me

The Limits and Possibilities of Vocation

Each one of us has received the gift of a specific vocation from God. However, our vocation depends on our choice to seek out and persevere on the path of discernment and vocational experience.

In Ignatius' Steps

Stepping Stones

The second week of the Spiritual Exercises brings the typical Ignatian meditations: The Call of the King, the Two Standards, and the Three Types of Persons. They are stepping stones for the soul to face the planning of the future in God’s sight.

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