Series: Passion and Easter Traditions

Our World

Humanity is on the Move

In light of the overwhelming surge of migrants, numerous countries are implementing laws to tighten immigration controls. Pope Francis, in his encyclical Fratelli Tutti, pleads on their behalf, calling for a compassionate and benevolent approach towards migrants.

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Saint Joseph: The Dream of Vocation

St. Joseph’s strong witness can guide us in our Christian life. He suggests three keywords for our vocational journey: dream, service, and fidelity.

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From Africa to the Philippines

Fr. Noel Sakie, a Comboni missionary priest from Togo, shares his vocation story. He recalls how being an altar server and participating in a Charismatic group were decisive in discovering his vocation to missionary life.

Mission is Fun

Faith or Jail

Not long ago, relations between Church and State in Mexico were tense. One of the laws was the absolute prohibition on clergy to wear ecclesiastical clothes and to perform religious functions outside the church. On Ash Wednesday, I was invited by the parish priest of a poor and densely populated district of the capital to administer ashes in one of the various chapels of the parish.


Nuncio Echoes Pope’s Call for ‘Year of Prayer’

Archbishop Charles Brown (in photo), the papal nuncio to the Philippines, has echoed Pope Francis’ call for a “Year of Prayer” to help Catholics prepare for the 2025 Jubilee. Addressing the Philippine bishops at their plenary assembly last January, he encouraged them “to find ways” in their own dioceses to implement the special year.

Religious Women

Sister is One of the Most Influential Women

The American magazine Forbes has published its popular annual list, highlighting influential women in fields such as science, fashion, economics, and human rights. The 2024 edition includes Sr. Nathalie Becquart (in photo), X.M.C.J., a Catholic sister who serves as undersecretary of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops.


Two Out of Every Five Christians are Persecuted

Two out of every five Christians suffer high levels of persecution and discrimination on religious grounds in Asia, the largest region of the world affected by this issue, followed by Africa (one in five) and Latin America (one in 16). On a global scale, more than 365 million Christians are persecuted (one in seven), the highest figure in the last 31 years.


Increase in Human Rights Violations

Human Rights Watch, a global rights group, has slammed governments in Asia for an increase in repression and human rights violations in its World Report 2024. The report blasted Asian governments for various forms of human rights abuses.

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