Series: Reconciliation: Dialogue, Forgiveness, Relationship Building


Pope Promotes Women in the Church

The recent strides of Pope Francis assigning women to high positions signal a step in the right direction, a move forward towards a more inclusive Church where women assume effective participation.

WM Special

Reconciliation as Relationship-Building

Reconciliation is mostly a relationship-building process grounded on a restorative approach to justice which includes forgiveness and commitment to living together in peace.

WM Special

Fragile Peace in South Sudan

There have been close to twelve peace agreements but they have failed to bring about significant long-term peace in the country. The future of peace and stability in South Sudan will very much depend on the political will of the political leaders.

WM Special

Give Up Anger and Seek Forgiveness

People who can overcome adversity have developed the ability to recognize that what happened to them in the past is not their fault. Then, they take the next step to let go of anger as a pathway to peace.


Issues to be Set Right on Biden’s Plate

The new President of the United States is served grave international issues on his plate–climate change, nuclear weapons, abortion, arms trade, development aid­–all issues Pope Francis has insisted need to be set right.

Unity in Diversity

Religions Respond to COVID-19

The outcome of working together has always proved itself rewarding especially when the effort is meant to tackle a particular crisis. It has been the example of different religious denominations who came together to address the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Towards A “New Economy”: Abolish Tax Havens

The abolition of tax havens is part of a “new economy” that involves the redistribution of wealth and the creation of a system for putting money back into circulation.


Tax Evasion is Sinful

Can tax avoidance and dodging be sinful? The pope has spoken out repeatedly on tax evasion considering it a “structure of sin.”

In Focus

COVID-19: What about Africa?

With the second wave of COVID-19 hitting hard in some countries in Africa, the prospect of a vaccination program is still not on the horizon.


Establishing a Living Church

The early foreign missionaries engaged in a variety of educational endeavors and social services as an effective means of spreading the Christian faith and serving the concrete needs of the Filipino people. Fortunately, many of these initial efforts remain vibrant institutions today.

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