Practical Strategies of Evangelization
Over the years, Bishop Robert Barron has laid out the evangelization basics. In this article, he suggests some simple and practical strategies for evangelization that any Catholic can apply.
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Over the years, Bishop Robert Barron has laid out the evangelization basics. In this article, he suggests some simple and practical strategies for evangelization that any Catholic can apply.
The Instrumentum Laboris of the Synod of Bishops is the result of a process that has already been considered the most extensive consultation ever made in the Church.
The narrative of the disciples on the road to Emmaus uncovers Jesus’ evangelical technique summed up in three lessons: walk with sinners, use the Scriptures, and break the bread.
Missionary and Evangelizer—why the question mark? One would simply say that Paul of Tarsus was indeed a missionary and an evangelizer. Yet, what seems so clear might be more complicated. Let’s check it out.
The quincentennial celebration of the advent of Christianity in the Philippines (1521-2021) has sparked much reflective discussion. Yet, an important question remains: How can one better appreciate the 500 years of Christian faith in the Philippines, home to the 2023 burgeoning population of 117 million of which 88 percent are Christian and 80 percent are Roman Catholic?
“Defend life” must be the clarion call of the followers of the God of Life! Because like no other time in history has human life, animal life, plant life, ocean life, life in all forms, and the earth which sustains life, come under fierce human attack.
“I have been a priest for 43 years now. It is God’s grace that has sustained me. My overriding feeling is joy and gratitude for God’s faithfulness and love.” This is how Fr. Jerry concludes his brief vocation story which he shares with us in this column.
Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales, Archbishop Emeritus of Manila and fondly called “Lolo Dency,” shepherded the Manila Metropolitan Archdiocese for eight years. He is known as a brave and missionary bishop living only on essentials.
Following the 2019 Bishops’ Synod on the Pan-Amazon region, Pope Francis issued on February 2, 2020 his reflections in the form of an apostolic exhortation. It is his fifth, coming after Evangelii Gaudium (2013), Amoris Laetitia (2016), Gaudete et Exsultate (2018), and Christus Vivit (2019). Originally written in Spanish, Querida Amazonia has been translated into over a dozen languages.
Genuine forms of nationalism or legitimate claims of community rights do not cause wars and conflicts. They are caused by the exaggerations of conceited leaders who use people’s nationalistic fervor for their own interest.