Series: Strategies for Evangelization

The Seven Last Words of Jesus

“It is Fulfilled”

The last word of Jesus, “it is fulfilled,” is a proclamation of the fulfillment of the Father’s will: to free humanity from sin and death, and lead everybody to eternal life.

Inside The Holy Book

The Throne of God

The Ark, the Tabernacle, and the Temple are the symbols of Yahweh’s presence among His people. In the fullness of time, Jesus’ humanity is the real Throne of God’s Presence.

Follow Me

A Trail of Light and Hope

The pilgrimage of the World Youth Day (WYD) symbols is an invitation to encounter Jesus Christ in an atmosphere of brotherhood to renew our vocation as missionary disciples.

Mission is Fun

As If I Were a Serious Guy

St. Daniel Comboni knew how to laugh. The missionary wrote of his own character in these terms: “God has given me a cheerful nature, and such that I am always rejoicing and feeling happy and perhaps there are very few people in the world happier than I.”

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