Two Challenges for 2018
Both climate change and the nuclear threat are, in my view, the most pressing challenges for this year and for generations to come as well.
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Both climate change and the nuclear threat are, in my view, the most pressing challenges for this year and for generations to come as well.
To be an authentic peacemaker, inspired by the Gospel and a nonviolent approach, requires special skills. Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil shares a few lessons that he has learned working for peace in Northeast India, in the context of ethnic conflicts.
In recent history, a few committed citizens contributed a great deal to the cause of peace. They are inspiring examples to the world. The memories of their prophetic personalities should remain alive as a reminder for all of the need to work for peace.
For its decade-long advocacy that culminated in the adoption of a landmark global treaty to ban nuclear weapons, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) received the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize. Will the treaty pave the way for the elimination of one of the greatest threats to human existence?
Within a short span of time, Pope Francis proposed two changes in the teaching of the Church – he has officially declared that death penalty is no longer part of the Catholic doctrine and condemned the possession of nuclear weapons.
Fr. Efren Borromeo has this gift of “seeing”. He can see through a person’s body, and knows what is wrong. He can see dead people. In fact, many come to him requesting for help and prayers.
New Year is the time for renewed hope. We reflect on the previous year to have something better to look forward to. A new beginning unfolds with an open chapter in our lives laid out before us.
In June 2018, I will celebrate the golden jubilee of my priestly ordination. Reflecting on this great event which I consider a special grace from God, I see my journey of life as a pilgrimage.
Son of a pagan family, Fr. Michael was a true pastor close to the people, poor and exemplary. He was sent to a monastery in England to prepare him to introduce monasticism to Nigeria, but God had a different plan. Blessed Cyprian Michael was to be the worthy root of the present thriving Nigerian Christianity.
The story of Lao Wang highlights the fact that evangelization, especially in the Chinese world, is done one by one, a person at a time. This column will narrate stories of people I met on my missionary journey and who were touched by Jesus in mysterious ways.