Series: The Gospel on Social Media

Winds of the Spirit

The Peacemakers

It all started in the turbulent year of 1968, when a group of college students took to reading the Gospel seriously and got involved with the suburban poor of Rome. The Community of Saint Egidio is now a world event with tens of thousands of members in many countries.

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Happiness and Life in Abundance

Vocation is a special kind of happiness that is never easy, but always results in abundance for those who accept to live it and for all those around them. This article shows how the words of Jesus are the true path to happiness.


Decluttering: Asian Spirituality in Action

Decluttering does not only mean to keep our surroundings organized and free of useless things. It also means clearing up our heads of useless information, worries, anxieties, and the best way to do this is by awareness and meditation.

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