Series: The Power of Women


Shameful inequality

There is an entrenched dissatisfaction among the masses with the failure of the governments to deliver the promises of a fairer distribution of goods and services. The appalling concentration of wealth in the hands of a few people triggers a desire for change.

WM Special

Ending violence against women

At least one in five women has been physically or sexually abused by a man at some time in her life, according to the World Health Organization. There is need to implement the existing legislation that protects the rights of women and promotes their welfare.

WM Special

Underage girl forced to marry

A 16-year-old girl in South Sudan recounts how she nearly died during labor because of her young age and physical inability to mother her child. She was forced to marry without her consent after a man paid her family a dowry in cattle and cash.

WM Special

The might and vision of extraordinary women

Filipino ladies, Hidilyn Diaz – Olympic weightlifter – and Ana Arce – deaf professor – walked the arduous path to achieve excellence and distinction. Looked upon as role models by the society, their faith and willpower emboldened them to get where they are now.


Criminals at nine years old?

Congressmen want to pass a law that lowers the age of criminal liability of Filipino children from 15 to nine years of age. But how can children under the age of 15, with little education and living a rough life, be made responsible for adult acts that are adult crimes?

Indian Focus

Rubber cultivation turns villages around

The introduction of rubber plantation, by Sister Rose, in villages across the northeast of India brought in progress to the lives of villagers. Residents not only improved their economic status but also ended their dependence on moneylenders who used to cheat them.

WM Reports

Arms trade fuels wars

The supply of deadly military weapons is the reason for the continuation of wars that result in atrocious suffering for civilian populations. Civil society groups have to exert more pressure so that international treaties limiting the transfer of arms can be implemented.

Special Moments

End of an era

The year 1989 saw the sudden collapse of communism, symbolized by the crumbling of the Berlin Wall. As the strongest point of the “Iron Curtain,” it had become the symbol of the suppression of freedom. Its quiet demise was received by the world with a sigh of relief.

Follow Me

The fountain of happiness

In her encounter with Jesus, the Samaritan woman recovers the sense and the reason to live. This is the grace we seek as we enter into this narrative: to know the gift of God, which Jesus has to offer to those who encounter Him.

Life's Essentials

Building relationships

Human relationships are at the core of a fulfilled and happy life that, ultimately, lies in the way we care for one another. The Gospel rule “love your neighbor as yourself” bespeaks of the importance of a never-ending effort at building and preserving relationships.

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