Series: Vatican-China Agreement in Peril?

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“He Who Runs Fast Runs Alone”

I am Fr. Aldrin Janito, one of the pioneering Filipino Comboni Missionaries. I was ordained into priesthood on June 7, 1999. After my ordination, I served as vocation promoter from 1999 until 2003. I was assigned to Sololo missions, Diocese of Marsabit in Kenya from 2003 to 2004. This two-year missionary service marked my life after witnessing the killing of my Kenyan people, who were mostly church leaders and infants. It was a horrible experience but it did not kill my missionary spirit. My last assignment was in South Africa where I spent 16 exciting years in two parishes, Waterval and Acornhoek.

WM Special

Holy See and China Renew the Provisional Agreement

The “provisional” agreement between the Holy See and the Chinese government concerning the nomination of Chinese bishops has been extended again for two more years. The agreement seeks to guarantee that the Chinese Catholic bishops can exercise their episcopal task in full communion with the pope.

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Mary Went with Haste

“Mary arose and went with haste” (Luke, 1:39) is the biblical quotation chosen by Pope Francis as the motto for World Youth Day. Why did the pope choose this Gospel episode? Why was Mary in such a hurry to leave her home and go to meet her cousin Elizabeth?

Mission is Fun

Cheeky Dog!

In Rome, at the Comboni House of St. Pancrazio north of Vatican City, Fr. Giorgetti, a missionary veteran from Sudan, who is a composer and music lover, always occupied the same place at dinner time. After saying the grace and resting his walking stick on the chair, he spread the linen serviette on his chest ready to do honour to everything available on the table. He never lacked appetite with his big size and sweet tooth. His memories of mission, the music programmes which he followed on his inseparable small radio with the help of an earphone, were the sparks that usually started the conversation. When for one reason or another, he wouldn’t come down for lunch or dinner, one had the impression that a dining room furniture had disappeared suddenly.

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