Series: We need each other

Fratelli Tutti

We Are All Brothers And Sisters

The Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti, signed by Pope Francis in October 2020, is about universal brotherhood and social friendship. In this encyclical, the Pope invites every person to understand the implications of brotherhood and to act accordingly.

In Ignatius' Steps

The Pilgrim’s Journey

An aged Ignatius dictated the memories of his youth and conversion story to his secretary Fr. Louis. They are an astonishing map of his spirituality as the fruit of his personal experience.

Follow Me

Dialogue As A Key To Discernment

Vocational accompaniment, which is done without fear through dialogue and prayer, seeks to meet with what the person is and what he/she longs to be. Here, the will of God and the human will coincide.

Mission is Fun

Seven Fun Facts About The Pope

Does the pope have an annual salary? Why does the pope wear white? The papacy is fascinating to many people and mysterious to others. Here is a brief list of seven fun facts about the pope that help explain the papacy and its traditions.

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