Series: Word of God: Guides Our Lives

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Companions of Jesus

Vocation is the gift from God that we welcome (or refuse) at all times of our existence. It fulfils us as persons and generates life, because its fruits are always for the benefit of others.

Living Communion

Church as Home of Communion

For the year 2020 dedicated to Ecumenism, Interreligious Dialogue and Indigenous Peoples in the Philippines, lecturer and columnist Tita Puangco will contribute every month in this column insights on the spirituality of communion.

Bridge Builders

Come, Rebuild My Church

In the Philippines, Year 2020 is the Year of Ecumenism, Interreligious Dialogue and Indigenous Peoples. How can we be one with our fellowmen from other sects, religions and tribes? We are reminded to focus on what binds us, and to live in the love of God, in unity amidst diversity.

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