Series: World Hunger

Cane Sugar

Coca-Cola Vows To Axe Suppliers Guilty Of Land Grabbing

Coca-Cola has said it will cut off suppliers that do not follow guidelines to protect the land rights of local communities in developing countries. The soft drinks company also pledged to use its clout to encourage other food and beverage firms, traders – especially of soy, sugar and palm oil – as well as governments to endorse and implement voluntary U.N. guidelines on responsible governance of tenure on land, fisheries and forests. “The Coca-Cola Company believes that land grabbing is unacceptable,” it said.

Supertyphoon Yolanda

Children In Disaster Zone Are Vulnerable

Aid workers have warned that children in the disaster zone left by typhoon Haiyan are particularly vulnerable, as they set up child-focused services to mitigate the impact. UNICEF estimates that 1.7M children are among the 4.4M people in the Philippines displaced by the disaster and said it was receiving reports of missing and separated children in Tacloban and Ormoc.

Food Waste

U.k. Families Throw Away 24 Meals A Month

Britons are chucking out the equivalent of 24 meals a month, adding up to 4.2 million tons of food and drink every year that could have been consumed. Almost half of this is going straight from fridges or cupboards into the bin. One-fifth of what households buy ends up as waste, and around 60% of that could have been eaten.


Millions Trafficked Into Brothels, Menial Work Worldwide

Slavery in India ranges from bonded labor in quarries and kilns to commercial sex exploitation. It must be noted that slavery still exists in all 162 countries surveyed by Walk Free Foundation, an Australian-based anti-slavery group.


End of U.N. Climate Talks

For Philippine diplomat Yeb Saño, the close of U.N. climate talks in Warsaw, last November 23, came with an unusual prize: he can eat again.


There are evils and “evils”

Our action has to bring us to a positive effort to pollute less, consume less, destroy less in order to save more our natural resources and share them in a more fraternal spirit.

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