Soul-Searching in the Church
The Pope singles out not only the crimes of pedophilia but also condemns the exercise of power within the Church pointing the finger at messianisms, elitisms, clericalisms.
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September 2018
The Pope singles out not only the crimes of pedophilia but also condemns the exercise of power within the Church pointing the finger at messianisms, elitisms, clericalisms.
“Renewed servant-leaders for the New Evangelization” – this is this year’s theme dedicated to the Clergy and Consecrated Persons. The Church aims towards a renewal of priests and religious who are to become servant leaders.
Economic, political, socio-cultural issues pose specific and urgent challenges to the Church and to us religious. The response of the religious must necessarily spring from the mystic-prophetic essence of consecrated life. It is imperative that the religious combine the two aspects.
Earlier this year, Pope Francis authorized the publication of a decree recognizing the martyrdom of 19 Christians – a bishop, seven monks and 11 religious men and women – killed by extremists in Algeria between 1994 and 1996.
Fifty years ago, Pope Paul VI published his encyclical letter Humanae Vitae (“Of Human Life”). In it, Paul VI prophetically predicted that contraception would “open wide the way for marital infidelity and a general lowering of moral standards.”
In the Year of the Clergy and Consecrated Persons, World Mission features Bro. Karl Gaspar, an award-winning writer, respected socio-anthropologist, theologian, interfaith scholar, and missionary from Davao City. He shares the reasons for his passion for Indigenous Peoples (IPs) and his vocational option.
In power for twelve years, Daniel Ortega rules without listening to the Nicaraguans. And the people got fed up and rebelled. The Sandinista leader is isolated and does not have many exits.
Considering everything that Holy Scripture, Tradition and the Teaching of the Church tell us about the Eucharist, we can state without doubt that, in the life of the Church, to say Eucharist means to say it all.
The 9/11/2001 attack on the Manhattan Twin Towers was unexpected, highly successful and shocking. It had a symbolic meaning and it marked the insurgence of Islamic terrorism which has affected the entire world.
The successful rescue operation of 12 boys and their coach from a cave in Thailand is an excellent allegory of what education is all about – lead the person out of darkness into the light of knowledge.
The path of discernment and commitment of life to vocation is based on the dynamics of accepting to “lose oneself” in order to “find everything.”
The Blessed Virgin Mary is our compassionate Mother. Each of us can personally call out to her. She can aid in restoring our broken relationships with people we have experienced hurts with. As the Mother of God, she guides us towards Jesus.
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