Hope for Better Officials
Voters will expect those they voted for and won to be true to their mandate of sincere, compassionate and transparent public service.
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April and May 2019
Voters will expect those they voted for and won to be true to their mandate of sincere, compassionate and transparent public service.
Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) take and practice their faith fervently wherever they go or are. That is why the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines appreciates the role of OFWs as modern-day apostles of evangelization in the foreign countries where they work.
Fr. Gerald G. Metal considers himself a missionary in Jordan where he attends to the spiritual needs of the Filipino community. Christians are respected in this Muslim majority country in which Filipinos contribute to the increase of the churches’ attendance.
Philippine migration has both its positive and negative aspects. A balance of the benefits and costs of migration remains a challenge for Filipino migrants, their families, the government, the church and other stakeholders.
Recent studies reveal behavioral and emotional problems in adolescents who are addicted to the Internet, including addictive behaviors such as substance abuse and gambling. Families need to create an atmosphere that facilitates authentic relationships and motivate personal encounters.
It is not just tawilis, lapu-lapu, sharks, and giant clams that are fast vanishing in the country’s waters. The Switzerland-based International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has also included marine or sea turtles in its red list classification.
Catalina Lucman, or Dentist Bambi as she is fondly called by her family and friends, is a dentist in the morning and a catechist in the evening. Despite her busy schedule, she is still able to allot time to serve the Lord which makes her heart full.
In this article, the author presents a privileged way of living the first Beatitude (“How happy are the poor in spirit; theirs is the kingdom of heaven” – Mt 5:3): by adopting a simple lifestyle and having a free heart for Jesus and for others.
The Neocatechumenal Way is a worldwide Catholic movement that makes the participants rediscover their baptism. Many conversions and vocations to the ministry are often the cherished result of their demanding formation journey.
The path of vocational discernment is a discovery of ourselves, of the dream of God for our lives and of the brothers and sisters who accompany us. It is done in freedom and leads to true happiness.
A missionary in China recounts how the mutual washing of the feet on Holy Thursday, during the Easter Triduum, made him realize more deeply the power of Christ’s love that defeated the darkness of evil.
Costa Rica has launched an economy-wide plan to “decarbonize” the country by 2050, as the Central American nation aims to show other nations that it is possible to address climate change.
October 2023 Issue
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