Time to Heal a Wounded Nation
A practising Catholic, the new president of the US sees his faith as a key to reunite the country and overcome all divisions.
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December 2020
A practising Catholic, the new president of the US sees his faith as a key to reunite the country and overcome all divisions.
Due to this year’s coronavirus there is apprehension and anxiety leading up to Christmas. Bishop Ruperto Santos suggests cultivating three virtues as a way to counteract a widespread pessimism in preparation for the holy season: be fearless, be faithful and be fruitful.
It is not easy to believe in a message of joy amidst the agonies of coronavirus that has swept through the world and caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands. In the midst of pain we are urged to stand erect and be Bearers of Hope to usher in a new stage in human history.
A missionary in South Korea for the past 30 years shares his personal experience of mission, highlighting not so much what he preached, but what people, the poor and the street have taught him about who God is.
Christianity is relatively new to Asia, but today about 30% of the South Korean population is Christian. Therefore, Christmas (Sung Tan Jul) is celebrated by Christian Korean families and is also a public holiday (even though South Korea is officially Buddhist).
This year, 2020 is the most challenging time of survival. The virus broke out when we least expected it. However, we still find reasons to be thankful. As we celebrate Christmas, let’s rejoice, for it is the birth of Christ, our Lord and Savior!
The 27-year-old Chinese man tells the story of his conversion and his entry into the Catholic Church. Educated in atheism as a university student, he decides to seek meaning in an empty life.
Macau has felt at home in a fusion of Eastern and Western traditions since the Portuguese first settled in Macau in 1557. Now, in 2020, Macau invites all Christians and non-Christians alike to join in a colorful yet deeply meaningful celebration of Christmas.
A few months before the 500th anniversary of Christianity in the country, the National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) has determined that Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan and his Spanish contingent held the first mass in Limasawa, Southern Leyte.
The presence of Jesus in the Sacraments and the Church fosters the awareness of the communion that exists between Him and the Church and the communion among the members of the Church. Thus the Church is considered, home and school of communion.
The last two commandments of the Decalogue (You shall not set your heart on your neighbor’s house and on your neighbor’s spouse) warn against some human desires, namely the evil desires which come from the heart. These two commandments call for purity of heart.
From within the Renewal in the Spirit, a lay person, Pierre Goursat started the Emmanuel Community, which has grown worldwide since, out of his love for Jesus.
Youth is a blessing and a call to life, a phase not only marked by dreams and hopes, but also by experiences and options that shape a life project.
The year 2020 is a year like no other with its tragic events and political divisions. Depending on one’s perspective, and with God’s grace, we can still appreciate this year as one of transformation and compassionate servant leadership.
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